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Jinyoung received a call from the Chinese and ended up going straight to his house. He was glad to find out that his sister wasn't there. He told Jackson about the kidnapping and the latter even offered to give Daisuke a call, but the author wasn't sure if his brother would be able to help, or if his intervention could make things worse. Therefore, he thought it was better not to involve the Japanese in the matter. Waiting for the Society to contact him was the only choice Jinyoung had. He tried calling Hyunjin's phone, but no one answered. He understood that those people would only talk to him when they wanted to, or perhaps, when Mark arrived in South Korea. That very thought made him nauseated for many reasons. He was supposed to hate Mark after the older broke his heart at Incheon airport six months ago. He craved to hate the man who broke so many promises and made fun of his feelings. However, if he had to choose between the life of his own kid and Mark's, he wasn't sure if his answer would be the obvious one. He wished he didn't care about Mark's well-being, he wished he wasn't so terrified to meet him again. He wished that whole ordeal was just a lucid nightmare.

He didn't get any sleep that night. He lamented the fact that Jackson didn't have any sleeping pills around, but he knew that he had to stay awake, in case the kidnappers decided to make any contact with him. The next day, the hours seemed to pass very slowly. Jackson tried to convince him to eat something, but he refused to. The CEO of Team Wang decided not to go to work that morning in order to look after his dongsaeng.

"Will you be okay once you see him again?" Jackson asked, wondering why destiny pushed Mark into their lives over and over again.

"We're going to hell if we deliver him into the hands of those worshippers." Jinyoung said quietly, as he sat at Jackson's dining room table without touching the food on his plate.

"That's not what I asked."

"I don't have any feelings for him anymore, if that's what you're asking. However, even though I hate what he did to me, I don't want to be responsible for his eventual death. I'm not that revengeful." Jinyoung stated, and for a single second, the Chinese almost believed him. He was certain that once the author laid eyes on Mark again, he would not be able to sustain that facade. Jackson couldn't imagine a Jinyoung without feelings for Mark.

"We don't know if they want to murder him." Jackson pointed out.

"Perhaps they want to have some fun with their China Doll before they do it." Jinyoung said, making a disgusted face.

"We won't let that happen. Once Mark arrives, we'll convince him to ask for my brother's aid. I'm sure that whoever got Hyunjin would be pleased to negotiate with a Hara. They might even give Hyunjin back willingly." Jackson assured him.

"I should go." Jinyoung stated as he got up from the table. That very surname made him queasy.

"Jin, where are you going? Jaebeom texted me earlier and told me to keep an eye on you. Everybody is worried-"

"I'm going to my apartment. I'll call you if-"

"I know why Mark left so suddenly." Jackson stated before the author walked out of the dining room. He needed to give the Korean a reason to stay, so he offered him the truth. Jinyoung frowned at that revelation.

"Excuse me?"

"Sit down and I'll tell you everything."

"Go on." The Korean immediately sat back on his chair and eyed the Chinese with anticipation.

"The reason your mother fainted that evening at the mansion was because she heard an argument between Mark and Hyunjin in the bathroom. The kid recognized your father from Seungri's hotel. According to Hyunjin, Mr. Park was a regular there, and Mark was aware of that, so they made a deal not to say anything-"

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