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When Jinyoung got out of the shower and came back to the bedroom, he eyed the bed and noticed that Mark was apparently sound asleep. The Korean did his best not to wake him up, so he quietly put on his pajamas, covered Mark with a blanket after landing a tender kiss on his forehead, and carefully walked out the door.

He came down to the living room without even bothering to turn the lights on and sat on the couch. He was sweating, even though he had just taken a shower. He didn't feel sleepy at all, but he told himself that he wouldn't take his pills anymore. The luminosity of the full moon outside filtered by the balcony glass door was the only source of light allowed to sneak in his silent apartment. The author thought of reaching for the company of his cell phone, his laptop, or the TV, but he didn't move from where he was. He just stared at the ceiling and sighed, wondering if he would be able to watch the sun rise from that spot on the couch. He wondered if Mark wouldn't enjoy watching the sun rise with him, but he didn't want to bother his boyfriend at that hour, it would be cruel of him to wake the older up for such a thing. Just because he was suffering from insomnia, Mark shouldn't lose sleep because of him. He considered going to bed and watch his lover sleep. That would be a sight even more spectacular than the sunrise. It wasn't a bad idea at all, and also quite romantic. They had done it a couple of times in the past, and each sunrise they beheld together was unique.

As he contemplated the past, the writer couldn't help but remember those small moments of blissful peace and make plans for the future. He thought of taking Mark out of Seoul someday for a vacation and drive him to his hometown. He was sure Mark would love Jinhae-gu. He thought they could have a picnic someday at a park, or stop by a carnival so they could kiss on the top of a Ferris Wheel. He thought of comfortable indoor activities too, like cozy up under a blanket and find the perfect TV series to binge watch with his lover or just do a movie marathon all day long. He was also thinking of their next 'candlelight dinner', their next slow dance while making cocktails in the kitchen, and the next time they would be able to make love without worrying about the HIV.

Actually, he already missed his boyfriend, even though the older was lying on their bed upstairs. He missed the simple view of the movements of Mark's chest, quietly rising and falling with every breath he took. They had spent so much time away from each other that Jinyoung felt that he shouldn't leave his side so carelessly. He told himself that he couldn't neglect any chance of being near him, even while he slept. His angel without wings had flown away with his happiness before. Now the Korean would make sure to keep Mark always within arm's reach to prevent him from leaving with a piece of his soul again.

When he had finally convinced himself to go to bed just to let his lover's breath and scent envelop him in warmth, he suddenly noticed another presence in the living room. He turned his head to the direction of the staircase and he could swear that there was someone sitting there a second ago. The author wondered if his cousin had gotten inside his apartment and was about to pull a prank on him, but even though Yugyeom was a night owl, it was very late for a joke of that nature. His utterly creative mind didn't discard the possibility of a ghost, but he had lived in that place for quite long, and he hadn't faced any supernatural experiences so far. At last he heard retreating footsteps softly climbing up the stairs. He was so attentive of every single noise Mark made that he swiftly identified whose steps were walking in the shadows to hide from him.

"Even if you came in without my permission, you still cannot leave without my permission, whether it's my room or my heart."

"Geez, where did you get this cheesy line? From a Korean drama?" Mark's invigorating voice behind him galvanized his very core, he could already feel his heart beating faster. He could already feel a smile forming on his lips. He wondered how long the other was there just inspecting his uneventful hours of reverie. The American crossed his arms and circled the couch until he stood in front of him. "Anyways, I don't plan to leave any of the places you mentioned with or without your permission." The older made a face at him and then added. "By the way, is there any reason why you're down here in the dark and not cuddling up in bed with me?"

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