CHAPTER 84 -Dum Spiro, Spero

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"Mark, you do know why he's agreeing to it, right?" Jackson asked Mark, who was already irritated by so many questions. He wished he could order a bottle of Polish vodka, but he wouldn't voice his desire. He knew Jinyoung wouldn't let him drink it. He was still at Spinning Top with the author, trying to explain to the Chinese and Yugyeom why they had decided to go to the U.S., but he was running out of excuses, and the air conditioner of the bar had become too cold. He could tell he was coming down with something, and he hated feeling ill. That fact drove him to become verbally aggressive.

"What I do know is that at least he'll be free of a Hara's influence in his life!" The American was about to lose his patience with the Chinese.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that Jackson hyung is a bad influence?" Yugyeom was taken aback.

"Mark, stop." Jinyoung whispered to him, as he put one hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, don't tell him to stop there. By all means, Yi-en, explain to us what exactly have I done now to make you say such a thing." Jackson asked in annoyance.

"You made Jinyoung commit two crimes in one day. You gave him the marvellous idea of drugging and tying his dad in a basement! And you also told him to bring me there in order to threaten the old man with a knife. That's fucked up! I don't even think Daisuke would come up with such a sick plan. Something tells me you're more like Ito than your brother is." The American spat. The author massaged his temples. That gathering was a total failure.

"Funny you say that, because as far as I know, you were Ito Hara's right hand during the golden age of the Collector's Case. So, if we're going to start talking about bad influences here, we should start by analysing your own bad example." Jackson stated, and as soon as the words left his mouth, Mark knocked their table over. Drinks spilled all around and glasses fell on the ground. The others were astonished. Jinyoung grabbed his lover's arm and pulled him back to him, as the older started laughing uncontrollably.

"That's what I call a bad example from an LA gangster!" The American said in a mocking tone as he sneered at Jackson.

"Mark hyung, take it easy!" Yugyeom censured the older with his eyes. The American paid him no heed. The Chinese simply shook his head in disbelief and put the table back on its place with the help of the maknae. He tried to keep his cool, as he sat back on his chair. He wouldn't fight Mark. Not in this life. Soo Young wouldn't approve of that.

"That's enough. We should go, Mark. We'll pick Hyunjin up at school and go back to the apartment." Jinyoung stood up and took his boyfriend by the wrist. Mark didn't push him away. The author gave his cousin and Jackson an apologetic look, but as soon as he turned around to leave, someone was already greeting them.

"Bam hyung sent me to ask if you guys need anything. We heard glass breaking." Sohn approached their table politely as he tried not to make eye contact with the writer, but he eventually did when Jinyoung addressed him.

"Of course Bambam sent you. I'm not surprised. But you're late, we're leaving. Together." The author announced, as he glared at the barback, entwined his fingers with Mark's and lifted his hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the ring there. He made sure Sohn had gotten the message. The American rolled his eyes at his possessive gesture.

"Hey, Eric. You'd better say goodbye to Hyunjin as fast as you can. His parents are taking him to America." Yugyeom announced with a pout. Mark clicked his tongue, and Jinyoung sighed. Jackson simply refrained from commenting further on that. But Sohn looked clearly aghast.

"What?! Are you serious? Hyunjin didn't mention any of this to me. How-"

"The poor kid doesn't know yet." Yugyeom clarified to him. The barback turned to the American and furrowed his brows. He put his politeness aside and openly voiced his dissatisfaction.

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