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"Do you mind sharing with us whatever you told him? You're well aware that apart from you, Mark is the only one who can understand Mandarin at this table, right?" Bambam questioned Jackson, but before the Chinese could answer him, the author entered the dining room again, and handed him a clean shirt.

"Seunnah, go home for now, okay? I'll call you tomorrow. Please, don't do anything before consulting me. I mean it. We need to have a serious talk." Jinyoung said in a pleading tone, and Jackson seemed to finally relent. The Hongkonger wasn't very interested in putting on the shirt that was lent to him, but JB promptly helped him out. The editor hurried to button up the piece of clothing as he rummaged around Jackson's pocket to find his car keys at the same time. The others eyed him weirdly, except for Jinyoung, who totally understood the editor's attempt to keep everyone alive, and save the night.

"Seunnah will drive me home later, Jae. Don't wait up. I'll see you soon, honey." Jaebeom said quickly, as he gave his husband a brief peck on the lips, and afterwards pulled Jackson closer to him.

"If I didn't know that you and Jae hyung were married I'd think that you and Sseunnah were having an affair." Yugyeom said playfully as he watched the scene. Youngjae rolled his eyes at the younger, and JB gave a not so kind slap upside his head. Bambam snickered, but quickly massaged the spot where the editor smacked his boyfriend.

"You Koreans are quite odd, but you do look good. Geez, now that I look at the five of you up close, wow...Are you all this handsome by nature or you guys have all done plastic surgeries?" Bambam asked out of the blue.

"I'm not Korean. But thank you for the compliment. Every inch of this body is a God given gift, nothing else." Jackson said with a smirk.

"Well, thank you very much, Bam." Yugyeom looked a bit hurt. It was obvious that he was not happy with the fact that his lover thought that his hyungs were hot. He pouted a bit, but when the Thai assured him that he was the only one for him, the younger smiled a bit.

"I still think that my husband is the best-looking man in this room." A proud Jaebeom affirmed as he pointed to Youngjae, and flashed him a finger heart. He hoped he could make a good excuse for his behavior when he got home. He hated lying to his Sunshine, although he felt that he had to. Youngjae blushed a bit, but also voiced his own opinion regarding the most beautiful man in the room.

"That's very sweet, Beom-ah. But if we take into consideration all the pretty faces in this room...Hell, our American hyung is number one. Jinyoung hyung does have good taste." Youngjae declared, surprising everyone. Jinyoung almost smiled at that comment, and he didn't even think that it would be possible for him to fake a smile that night with so much going on at the same time. A wave of satisfaction ran through him as he looked at a flabbergasted Mark sitting at the table. He wondered if the American was flattered by the publicist's words. The author couldn't tell. Mark had been pretending to be easygoing since the beginning of that dinner. He acted that same way when he worked at 777 Ways, always smiling, and being attentive to his costumers. Jinyoung suddenly wondered if his costumers became regulars just to have more chances to admire his magnificent looks. No doubt, he was breathtaking. The author concluded that only a blind man, or a man already in love with another man, like JB, could not see that. Jinyoung agreed with his dongsaeng completely, but he wouldn't say it out loud. JB was already giving him a scrutinizing look, and the author had to do his best not to seem pleased by Youngjae's comment.

"Time to go, right, darling?" Jaebeom said a bit annoyed as he raised an eyebrow at his husband. Not really pleased by Youngjae's opinion.

"I think Jin looks better. He resembles Soo Young." Jackson said abruptly, with a grim expression on his face. Silence fell in that dining room once more. Nevertheless, a certain foreigner wouldn't let that silence last for too long.

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