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Jinyoung wondered if he should start praying more. He was a Christian, yet he hadn't been inside a church for years, and he couldn't remember the last time he opened a bible. He remembered praying to God when Mark was missing, he also remembered thanking him when the American returned. He felt blessed for having his lover back in his life, and he was sure that the Creator hadn't abandoned him. He was enormously thankful for the fact that the discontinuation symptoms were gone, that he was able to sleep again, and there was another reason to celebrate. In a couple of days, PrEP would allow him to have sex with his boyfriend without a latex barrier separating them. He was anxious for that, not just because the sex felt more intimate, but because he knew that after his complete seven days on PrEP, Mark would feel more at ease to make love to him knowing that he wouldn't be able to infect him. Of course Jinyoung would have to keep taking his Truvada daily now that Mark was detectable, but he didn't really mind that. He had done it before, and he was sure he could keep doing that for the rest of his life.

That gathering at Jackson's house was really going well, with everyone sharing their hopes, apologies and forgiveness. The seven of them seemed to have reached an understanding after a couple of utterly emotional speeches and a warm brotherly hug. However, now Jinyoung asked himself if he still had any debt with the Almighty. The writer couldn't help but think that God was mad at him for some unknown reason. He imagined that it couldn't be because he killed a man to save his and his boyfriend's life. If he still knew something about God was that he was merciful and understanding. So He wouldn't turn his back on him, would he? Jinyoung felt like he was about to. He couldn't understand why God was punishing him so severely at that very moment. What the hell was his mother doing in that house? Why the hell his own best friend was acting like an illiterate prejudicial jerk? Why the hell Mark had to disclose such a delicate information to everyone at that table? How could a couple of wrong words and two unwanted guests rob them of their peace so fast? The author was still trying to figure out how his luck had changed so abruptly when Mark's foreign tone reached his ears.

"They, uh, I found them back there." The clearly uncomfortable American pointed to the veranda and chewed on his lips. "Your mom wants to talk to us. She saw the article." Mark said uneasily.

"No way! Does auntie usually read Dispatch news?" A shocked Yugyeom said, as he quickly stood up to greet Mrs. Park. She hugged the maknae and patted his head lovingly.

"Bo Young showed it to me. She told me you all would be here, so I had to come." She replied to the maknae and then added, "I guess you've grown even taller since the last time I saw you, dear." Mrs. Park commented with a chuckle. Jackson, Jaebeom, Bambam and Youngjae promptly left their seats to also greet the guests. Jinyoung was frozen on the spot. He wondered what was his sister's intention now. Was she there to cause him trouble the same way she did at Nora's party? He couldn't tell.

"Bo Young, where are the girls? I thought you would be out the whole day with them and omoni." Jackson looked a bit disconcerted. He didn't want his guests to think that he had prepared a trap for Mark and Jinyoung.

"The girls are with their father for the weekend. I couldn't stop my mother from coming here, you know how she's like." Bo Young said, giving him an apologetic look.

"So you were trying to get rid of us?" Mrs. Park raised an eyebrow at him playfully.

"No, never." Jackson gulped and forced himself to smile naturally. "Are you hungry? Let me make you a plate." The Chinese was about to hurry to the kitchen to get more plates, but his girlfriend stopped him.

"Don't worry about that. We're not staying. We have to go shopping soon." Bo Young assured him.

"What exactly are you two doing here then?" Jinyoung's suspicious eyes travelled from Jackson to his sister, and then finally fell on his mother. "If this is about the article, I have nothing to do with that actress."

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