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"Enough! Cut the crap you two! I am tired of watching this fucking drama! Mark, you cannot leave before you two have a civilized conversation. I know that it is too much to ask, but it's gotta happen, whether you guys want it, or not. This situation cannot go on. So, let's start clearing up the first misunderstanding here! Jinyoung, this fake kidnapping was Bambam's idea. Yugyeom, Hyunjin, and I helped him concretize it. We did all we could to force a meeting between you and Mark, because we believed that you guys deserved another chance. We imagined that only a life-or-death situation, like Hyunjin being in danger, could make you two reconnect again in a positive way, but we were obviously wrong. You simply walked in this goddamn living room and started lashing out at the man you love, just because he chose to protect you from your father's threats six months ago! Wake the fuck up, and listen very carefully, Park Jinyoung! Mark didn't know about our plans, okay? So stop accusing him of stuff he didn't do. He does not deserve this shitty treatment, and you're not in any position to judge him." Youngjae shocked everyone there with his unexpected tirade. A sudden stillness filled the air of that living room as he finished his protest. The publicist's assertiveness and the content of his speech made the American quite uncomfortable.

Jinyoung's expression was a mix of confusion and apprehension. He was sure he was about to hear something he was not ready to face. Thousands of questions popped into his head, as he braced himself for some possible scary revelation.

Jaebeom was almost sure that his husband was more informed than him about what had happened six months ago. It just bothered him the fact that Youngjae was keeping secrets from him again, but he was kind of proud of his Sunshine's brave attitude. Mark's intimidating stare did not make the publicist cower in fear. His husband seemed to be the only one in there courageous enough to scold both Jinyoung and Mark for their stubbornness.

Bambam and Yugyeom exchanged knowing looks, while Jackson just hoped that the publicist didn't get hurt this time. He feared that Mark might knock him out just to keep him from talking too much. The long silence which fell after Youngjae's speech was only broken when the oldest among them finally spoke.

"Get your hands off me, Choi Youngjae." Mark commanded fiercely, but the publicist didn't obey him. Mark eyed him with indignation, as he tried to decide whether he should bite his hand or break his fingers. However, his violent thoughts came to a halt when the author opened his mouth again.

"So you're not here for a reconciliation? You really flew all the way here just because you thought you had to save Hyunjin?" Jinyoung sounded almost disappointed. "Am I ever gonna hear from you the reason why you left me? What about these threats of my father? Were you really trying to protect me?" Jinyoung added with a pleading look on his face. Mark looked away, and tried to undo the publicist's grip on his arm, but Youngjae held him in place.

The American didn't want to really hurt Youngjae but he would, if he kept restraining him. He noticed Jaebeom coming closer, and he knew the editor would certainly deck him if he laid a hand on his husband. Their friends often claimed that JB was all about 'peace and love', but that was just in theory. The American remembered very well how the editor reacted when he found Youngjae and him in bed a couple of years ago. Mark really didn't want to get into a fight with Jinyoung's best friend at the moment, so, all he did was struggle to free his arm from Youngjae's grasp.

Meanwhile, the author's saddened voice kept disturbing him more than the angry tone he used minutes ago. "You don't have to protect me anymore from whatever you thought that could hurt me back then. I'm already hurt, you took off, remember? You broke us up, you made me hate you. You made me promise myself that I would never ever love someone the way I loved you, because I didn't want to go through such a great amount of pain again. Whatever you hid from me killed our relationship."

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