Ch 114 Approaching Storm

Start from the beginning

Elijah slowly raised a spike of back metal he conjured looking at Arthurs's unconscious body, he swung the spike, his hand moving as a blur as fast as he could move.

But before it could hit Arthur Elijah's body twisted in pain around his shoulder as he was dragged backwards, "Elijah we talked about this. you can't just stab Arthur if he doesn't wake up." Cecilia scolded him as The dark-haired mage crumpled to the ground from her lightning-infused pinch to a nerve.

She let go of him walking over to Arthur's unconscious body, the smell of alcohol reeking from him like a miasma of death to any who came too near. "The best way to wake someone up when they're this drunk is something to shock them or something like this." She spoke in a deep tone reflecting how long she's been awake.

Cecilia placed her palm flat on Arthur's sternum, a few seconds later his mana core pulsed and Arthur shot to his feet, Realmheart's runes covering his body fire covered his body as spells sparked to life around him.

"Thanks for the snack," I deadpanned him, absorbing his spells with Stasis, my body instantly started feeling better as I devoured his mana. After reincarnating Cecilia I was in my mindscape and could freely use Magic or Stasis to the level I could as my body became more chimeric.

The good part was I didn't get any backlash while I was there so I used it to learn more about how stasis worked. There's two main branches of stasis, One that absorbs all forms of energy, and The second which gives off the energy that Stasis contained or had absorbed.

What I was doing was using the "Devour" Branch of Stasis to absorb his spells, and the other branch to "radiate" the raw energy into my body and core. My body only being roughly 30 percent human based on my massively increased resistance to abusing stasis means It devours mana and Aether I devour like its food.

Although I can devour Aether using stasis it uses a lot more Stasis than the Aether I consume would allow me to generate, So I stick to doing it with Mana only.

After having my snack on two of Arthur's spells I refocused back on the conversation to see Cecilia and Tess telling each other secrets about Arthur. "Oh, Elijah tells me lot's about all of you guys so I wouldn't feel too much like a stranger after I reincarnated."

somehow she believed this and I could see the light drain from Arthurs Amethyst eyes as they went back to blue then to a deep soulless grey as Sylvie snickered at him.

'I almost feel sorry for the lack of privacy Uncle Art has right now.' Zephyr transmitted as I felt his help up the unconscious asura's and open a teleportation gate back to Epheotus.

'And yes uncle Kezess showed me how to make portals but only full-blooded asuras can do it like this, So you'll have to wait till you fully become one if you keep using That transformation.' Zeph cut my though off before I could even transmit my confusion about him being able to make them.

"So you just do that now?" I asked, my eyes landing on Durden who now was using gravity magic on himself to carry all the twin horns to the washroom that was down the hall.

"Yeah, I just have to visit the place before," Zephyr answered as I stretched my sore neck, my bones popped with my sore body still under a slight toll from how long I was bedridden.

"So Al, I have something to tell you," Claire asked with a nervous expression scratching her cheek, I felt a faint amount of something akin to Divinity on her, Similar to Boreas's aura but, warmer.

She held out her hand holding a small pearl of liquid fire, an aroura of flames giving off a comfortable glow as it sparked in her hand.

"After I healed you when you fought Arthur, A hand of fire gave me this pear saying its a gift for our wedding." She spoke with a slightly confused tone doubting but believing the gift's authenticity.

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