Do you think id get electrocuted or something if I ate a headphone piece/srs

Start from the beginning

"Why do you insist on keeping that on?" Harley groaned, teasing the edge of the building carelessly while Peter watched in caution.

"I just like it out here" Peter shrugged, pacing mirror to Harley in case anything happened.

"You're gonna give me a mask kink or some shit one of these days" Harley complained, hopping down from the ledge.

"What?—" Peter's physical reaction was all that was needed to know how hard that one hit.

"Like, it's gonna happen. You won't be able to stop it if you keep it on all the time"

"I don't mean—"

"Hey it's fine! Just one more thing for me to learn to like about you!" Harley waved his hands, grinning that stupid grin.

Oh so that's what he was doing.

"Oh come on" Harley drooped, slumping down to the short barriers on the top of the building to sit.

Peter chuckled, sitting next to him.

He was fairly certain he could here some folks below pointing out his superhero-istic presence with a stranger on the roof, but he knew they wouldn't be able to recognize Harley from the distance and darkness. They'd probably assume it was someone he'd just saved.

"I'm glad I met you, yknow" Harley breathed, leaning back against the open air.

He put wayy to much trust in Peter's ability to catch people.

"I'm more glad I met you"

"Wanna bet?"

Did this really need to be a competition? Like, Peter would absolutely win, and he had the expression that told it, but he decided to let Harley try before he absolutely destroyed the teen.

"Go ahead then" Peter crossed his arms challengingly, raising a brow, "what have I done for you?".

"Well first off" Harley started, implying he'd absolutely thought about this before and probably even scripted it out, "I get to see your handsome face whenever I want. Well— except when you're being a little bitch and won't take off the mask, of course".

Peter snorted.

"Secondly, you're fucking Spiderman" he pointed out, as if it was the holy grail itself. "Like— a legit superhero. You save lives and you look hot while doing it".

The list went on and on, describing more and more intricate things, some of which Peter had yet to even learn about himself.

By the time Harley was finished, the donut store down the street had closed. It must've been at least 9-10. Peter couldn't remember. He had a lot of things to think about though.

"Even just your personality.. like, I can't believe I got you" Harley concluded.

By then, Peter had a lot of emotions. The increasing gratefulness for his mask only seemed to rise as the threat of tears beckoned nearer, the two of them having flipped around to face the street at some point during it.

Harley held a smug yet appreciative look on his face as he watched for Peter's reaction, who just swung his legs over the edge of the building.

"Still got nothing on me" he scratched at the base of his mask, adjusting it out of habit.

"Oh really?"


"I'd love to see that—"

Peter reached over and clasped Harley in a hug, blinking slowly beneath his mask.

"You know, I met you right after a really hard time" he sniffed, already knowing he won.

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now