i nod, a few tears escaping my eyes as i quickly wiped them away. sniffing once more, i ran my fingers through my hair, "i do, yes. i understand."

"i love you, baby," mom chimed, a smile upon her lips. "and i always will."

"and i love you, munchkin," dad says, a tilt of the head as he smiled poking my stomach.

"i love you both very much as well," i laugh softly, embracing them both tightly.

attacking me, my dad planting kisses all over my face as he wrapped himself around me tightly. giggling uncontrollably, i grinned from ear to ear as i shoved him softly, "dad! oh my goodness, stop it. i am not a baby anymore." i say, unable to stop laughing as he continues.

"you'll always be my little girl," he says as he poked my stomach once more. leaning forward, he placed a kiss on my forehead before standing.

mom off to the side watching she stood still, arms folded as she smiled ear to ear, "you two are unbelievable."

"would you like a bit of love as well, beautiful?" dad questioned, lifting his brow as he watched mom. "is someone jealous? hm?"

she tilts her head, lifting her brow, "you'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom, Matt. a bit of love my ass."

"ah baby, don't do me like," reaching for her, she shifted backwards. "you're gonna make me sleep alone, really?"

lord, they were petty.

"no," she shakes her head causing dad to cheer in silence. "you can sleep on the roof if you're feeling brave. just don't roll off of the roof, i have no way of catching your ass."

instantly, they eyes each other and laughed, both hunched over just slightly.

"y'all are crazy," i chimed in, laughing as i shook my head. "mom you'd really make dad sleep on the roof?"

"hell nah," she scoffs. "he wouldn't survive a night, he'd freeze his ass off then come running back to me. like no one told you to sleep on the roof."

"but you—"

"no," she points. "i said he could but who took their asses up there? he did. did i tell him to? hell no."

"baby, stop it. give me kisses," dad laughs, cupping moms face.

"baby, stop it. give me kisses," mom mocks him, hitting him on the shoulder playful as she gives him a quick kiss. "now can help me file these papers so we can go home, please?"

he nods, sliding behind the desk as he grabs a stack of papers, "yes i can, come on."

grinning from ear to ear, i watch them in pure awe.


June, 2016

"Ava?" i called out, rounding the corner as i made my way over into the living room. immediately, my eyes landed on Ava, standing in front of a mirror.

"yes?" she answers, fixing herself as she turns to me slow, her eyes falling upon me. "you look amazing."

"thank you," i grin, running my hand down my gown. "i was uh—i was calling—i called you to tell you your cap is on my bed, don't forget it."

"thank you, lovely," she grins, approaching me as she taps my cheek. "you okay?"

honestly? no. but Ava knew this already. she knew what was bugging me, it was obvious but i had no intention of talking about it anymore. i was excited to be graduating finally but to not have my mom by my side was heartbreaking.

"yes, yes ma'am," i nod, holding my gazes anywhere but her eyes. "are you ready?"

sensing my body language, she gave me a head nod as she headed upstairs. gathering my belongings, i made my way outside where my father resided.

"hi beautiful," he greeted, a smile upon his lips. placing a kiss on top of my forehead, i smiled widely. as sad as i wanted to be, my dad and Ava always made it a bit better. i appreciated them more than any amount of words. "are you ready?"

"i have no choice..right?" sighing softly, i fell into his arms as he embraced me tightly. a few tears escaping my eyes but quickly gets wiped. "i just want the day to be over dad, im trying to be happy as best as i can but my body just ugh."

he nods, pulling away as he looks me in the eyes, "i understand sweetheart, i know, i know you're hurting. i love you deeply and no matter what, i want you to always remember that."

i nod, hanging my head down low as i kept my gaze down on the pavement, "thank you, i love you so much more."

he sighs a bit, placing his finger under my chin as he lifts my head, "head high, hope higher."

"absolutely," i smile.


"good evening," Mrs. Brown greeted, a smile upon her lips as she waved at the crossed. "now today we will be celebrating the lovely success of class 2016. the class whom worked extremely hard, constantly working towards their bright achievements, and staying strong through four years. these kids have achieved many great things along their way and here they are, shaking us all just how much they could achieve. they had faith in themselves and now they're here to show it. before we get started, can we have a warm round of applause for the class of 2016."

a loud round of applause was head through the auditorium, some parents standing as they clapped louder. fuck, it's really happening.

shifting my head to my right, my eyes landed on Ava, i watched her in awe as she sat there grinning widely.

it was over, after everything that happened and everything's that's fell off, everything was over. of course i have college but i had it, i got this, right..?

as Mrs. Brown finished off her long speech, she soon began to call out named and before i knew it, Ava began poking my arm, pulling me from my thoughts as a loud round of applause was heard.

"go get your diploma, baby!" she shouts, pulling me up from my chair as she smiled my way. "you did it, ah!"

taking a breather, i made my way up to the stage and over to Mrs. Brown. shaking her hand, i took my diploma in the other as we paused, smiling for the photographer.

making my way off of the stage, i got a small glimpse of the crowd and i could see my dad off in the back. grinning from ear to ear as he watched me, clapping as loud as can be.

not only did i do this for him, i did it for mom. she's not here physically but i know she's here spiritually, in my heart. it saddens my souls that i cannot share this moment with her as well but i know she's just as proud, resting well.


above my moms stone, i could feel the steadiness of my heart as my heart thump gently against my chest. i had been standing here for a bit, not exactly sure how to feel, i seemingly felt a rush of emotions.

"hi mom," i spoke softly, my eyes dancing over her engraved name. letter by letter, number by number, i analysing just about everything.

squatting down, i pulled my cap off of my head and sat it at the corner of her stone. tucking my bottom lip, i hung my head low, "uh i graduated today..i did mom, i did it for not only myself but you and dad."

"it would've been so much better if you was there but i know, i know that was not possible."

feeling a wave of sadness hit me as realisation struck in, a single tear escaped from my eye as it rolled down my cheek. quickly wiping it, i sat my hand over her name as my fingertips traced her name slow. "when i graduate college as well, ill be back, doing the same except thing. maybe ill be crying like i always do but maybe, just maybe ill have my emotions contained a bit more."

smiling, i took a breather as i pulled myself up, "i love you so much, mom. things aren't getting easier but that's life, as you've always told me and though you're not here to celebrate my greatest achievements, i know you'll be here with me, spiritually. thank you so much for everything. i love you, mom."

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