✾ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ✾

Start from the beginning

"I'll investigate this, Melody. The person responsible will be severely punished" He assured me, the both of us arriving at the hospital wing.

Madame Pomfrey was able to heal my leg immediately, wrapping it up and making me rest it on one of the beds. Fortunately, none of the other girls were hurt, just a couple of cuts that Poppy managed to heal. Looks like I took the hit for them- lucky me. I would rather I got hurt than any of them though, it's not like my body could get any more ugly and scarred.

The doors flew open revealing my brother, Peter and Sirius, all rushing over to me with a sigh of relief. They all immediately wrapped me in their arms, squeezing me tightly,

"I'm fine, Poppy healed me up all good" I reassured them, spotting their worried and concerned expressions.

"Where's James?" Alice asked, glancing to me subtly. Great question. Where is the messy haired boy?

"He left to find you all, he said something about having to speak to Lily about something" Sirius informed us, his eyes flickering to the red headed girl sat on a chair beside my bed. Oh. That might have to be postponed.


"Where is she?!" James exclaimed, pushing open the doors to the hospital wing, a panicked look on his face. He was immediately greeted with a hug, Lily rushing over to him and wrapping her arms around him. He hesitantly, slowly returned the hug, lightly wrapping his arms around her frame. He kept his eyes fixated on me, hints of worry in them, a frown present on his face.

"Oh my fuck-" Sirius was cut off, Remus slapping his hand over his mouth and his own, watching the interaction with wide eyes.

"That is not the she he was looking for" Peter mumbled, the three of them looking down at me, as I fiddled with my hands nervously, glancing back and forth between the two of us.

They know.

"Let's go and get Mel some water" Alice announced, dragging a shocked Marlene and Mary away, prying Lily off James, heading out of the hospital wing. The doors closed, all of us frozen in our places, not sure how to approach the subject or any words forming in our mouths.

James rushed over to me, checking me over, tilting my head from side to side. He gazed into my eyes, I found myself swirling around in the smooth caramel behind his framed glasses.

"Fuck it, they know" He mumbled, pressing his lips to mine softly, the three boys gasping, jaws dropping to the floor. "Are you alright, love? When Minnie found me I just ran here and-" He rambled, leaning his forehead on mine, ignoring the other three in the moment.

"I'm okay, I promise" I nodded, smiling at him reassuringly, "I think we broke them" I muttered, referring to the three boys their expressions filled with a mixture of emotions.

"Get it Prongs and Luna, woo!" Sirius whistled, grinning at the two of us.

"You both have some explaining to do" My brother proclaimed, "I knew there was something strange going on!"

"They just kissed, I didn't imagine that right?" Peter quizzed, knitting his eyebrows together before beaming, "I actually think it's adorable"

"Yeah so adorable that Evans will-"

"Shit- Lily!" He yelled cutting Sirius off, making me recoil from the loud noise in the close proximity, "I was looking for her to talk to her"

"Talk to her after, explain to us first" My brother insisted, all of them taking one of the seats the girls were previously sat in. I shuffled over carefully, allowing James to lay down next to me. He laid down, taking my small hand into his larger one.

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now