its been a week (part 35)

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Thank you everyone for your valuable comments and votes.. lets begin.

Part 35(13 march 2022)


Its been one week since manik went to London. I'm missing him sooo much Even though we do video calls everyday but I love being being around him.

Nevermind, I sighed deeply coz bore and in that I'm missing him badly. Its our holidays but Boys are busy in their work and navya and I don't know what we should do. We sometimes went to the studio and others days we did sketching. Since childhood navya and I used to do sketching and painting when ever we get bored. Today boys decided to spend their day with everyone as they were busy with work they did not spend much time with us.
The day is going well as we are enjoying ourselves.

"Hmm..Manik must be enjoying romancing two beautiful girls." Sid said with a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah!! And that's the reason he sooo busy in romance that he is not having time for us." Know this kartik said with a playful smile on his face.

We so close to eachother that we understand in one eye contact whats cooking in their heads.

We don't need so say in words we just understand just like now sid was teasing me and kartik has joined him.

But when I listened them I felt little sad thinking about it. Even though I know its just an acting nothing more than that but we being girls love to overthink in every matters.

Seeing me lost and sad dev scolded them.

"Hey, nandu they're are just teasing you, so don't think so much." Dev said careening my head.

"Yeah! And you about manik if he get know that you're sad than he will get worried. " cabir said calmly while caressing my palm.

Seeing me sid and kartik apologized me.

"Hey, I know they are just pulling my leg. And I know that its just an acting nothing more than that. I was just missing him." I said with a small smile.

"He will be back soon." Sid said with a smile.

they gave a group hug and sure that I smile brightly.

Having a boy best friends who really cares for you is actually a blessing.
I'm just lucky to have them.

While we were busy in ourselves i got a notification.

Manik❤ : Good Morning🤗

Seeing the notification I smile brightly.

A morning text doesn't only mean 'Good Morning' It also means I think about you when I wake up.

Having him in my life is a blessing.



As soon as I shot my scene I on the chair. Its awkward to do romantic scenes but being a professional I did not showed my awkwardness on my face. I just wanted to finish it and go home.

"Adaa act naturally just like a perfect girl." Director told adaa.

'Perfect girl'

A girl who knows when to act mature and when to act childish is the most perfect girl ever just like my sunshine.

I smile remembering her.

Todays sky is soo beautiful. The sky is dappled by the cloud, a beauty over our motley crew. So we rest on our backs and let my eyes gaze upward, enjoying the nothing that is everything. I took a picture and send it in our whatsapp group.

While I was enjoying the beautiful sky a voice distrubed me when I turned my face I see that Jennifer was sitting beside me on the next chair. When did she came? I shrugged off the thoughts.

"Manik, do you believe in love? Jennifer asked while seeing the sky.

There was a little bit of sadness in her voice.

"Yes, I do." I made it short.

If this was asked by someone close to me I would have said that it's the most beautiful feeling in the world.

Seeing her lost in somewhere I could not help myself and asked her.

"What about you?"
She smiled sadly hearing my question.

"I do." She said still looking in the sky.

"I think one of the saddest thing is when two people really get to know each other... their secrets, their fears, their favourite things, what they love, what they hate, literally everything, and then they go back being strangers. Its like you have to walk past them and pretend like you never knew them, never even talked to them before, when really you know everything about them." Jennifer said.

It looked like she is lost in her thoughts.

I don't know what she is saying.. Is she referring to our music video? I can't figure out but I can see pain in her words.

I turned my head to see arya and questioned him with my eyes. He just shrugged seeing me.

It was really awkward as I Don't know what to say. I remain silent untill director called us. At last we did the ending shot.

When we reached hotel I was waiting for arya in one of the corridors. I was standing at corner when I heard some voices in the corridor. Someone was taunting other person. When I looked it was Jennifer and some other girl.
The girl was mocking Jennifer. Accidentally I heard them and understood the words which she told me before. Jennifer got dumped by her boyfriend. The girl must be his new girlfriend. I could not help myself and felt sad for her. The girl went away. When Jennifer turned she saw me. Her eyes were moist with tears. She gave a small smile and went i sode jer room. The sadness was dripping from her smile.

Arya patted on my shoulder.

"Where are you lost?" He questioned seeing my face.

I nodded in no.

"Come lets pack your bags. Nandini is eating my brain by messaging. She is asking when we are coming." Arya told while showing his phone.

I smile.

"What did you say?" I asked him

"What else I will say. I told her we will be reaching tomorrow." Arya said while walking.

"Arya, you could have asked me. I wanted to give her suprise." O said while gritting mu teeth.

"You can give some other time." He said while dragging my hand to walk fast.

As soon as we entered my room and packed my luggage. Then arya went to his room to pack his luggage. I messaged her and went soo sleep as was tired.

I can't wait to see you sunshine and
I wanna hug you so tight when we meet.

I hope you guys like today's update.

Stay safe:)

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