Chapter 4

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The hallway was quiet and desolate, a man and a woman were seated before the ICU. Their tear-stained cheeks and pale, exhausted expressions revealed the depth of their worry and despair. "Honey... w-will our daughter be fine?" the woman sobbed, seeking solace in her husband's embrace. He held her close, offering what comfort he could, though his expression betrayed his lack of certainty.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor emerged from the ICU. The couple's hearts raced with anticipation as they looked to him for news. "Doctor, h-how is our daughter?" the husband inquired anxiously, rising to his feet. The doctor met their gaze with a somber expression before offering a faint smile. "We managed to save her," he began, briefly igniting a glimmer of hope in the couple's eyes. "But..." he trailed off, his gaze dropping to the floor, signaling that the news was not entirely positive.

"But what?" The woman's voice trembled as she stood up, her eyes filled with dread. "I don't think she'll be able to hold on for long," the doctor admitted, his tone heavy with regret. "The internal injuries are severe, and she's in a deep coma." The woman sank back into her seat, her heart heavy with despair. "W-what? Doctor, there must be something you can do... You have to save her, please," the man pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. They both looked utterly miserable, clinging to the fragile hope that their daughter could be saved.

"We're trying our best. But it's up to her now; she has to hold on," the doctor sighed, his expression grave. He understood the anguish the couple was experiencing, but he had to be honest with them. "C-can we see her?" the man asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, though she can't hear you," the doctor replied gently.

The couple entered the room where their daughter lay, surrounded by machines monitoring her condition. A large bandage was wrapped around her head, and she appeared unnaturally pale, her lips dry and cracked. "Y-Y/n... my baby," the woman choked out as she hurried to her daughter's side, clasping her cold hand in her own.

"You'll be okay, don't worry, Y/n... nothing will happen to you," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her daughter's hand. But there was no response, no flicker of consciousness in her daughter's still form. Despite this, they remained by her side, talking to her as if she could hear them, clinging to the hope that their words might reach her somehow.


"What happened to her?" Jungkook whispered to Jimin, his voice barely audible. Jimin simply shook his head in response. "Is she having a nightmare?" Taehyung ventured to ask, his brows furrowing in concern. "Ghosts can dream?" Jin added, his tone laced with uncertainty.

Gathered in the living room before the sofa where y/n lay, tears streamed silently down her cheeks as she sniffled softly. "Yahh, girl, wake up," Jin leaned in and whispered gently, hoping to rouse her from whatever distress she was experiencing. "She must be missing her family," J-hope observed, his expression reflecting his empathy.

Y/n frowned and slowly opened her eyes, her lashes glistening with tears. Sitting up on the sofa, she looked at them blankly before her expression crumbled, tears flowing freely once more. "E-eomma... a-appa," she sobbed, her voice breaking as she buried her head in her knees. The members exchanged somber glances, their hearts heavy with sympathy for her pain.

"you saw them in your dreams?" Namjoon inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity. "I-I don't know, it seemed real," she replied, lifting her gaze to meet his. Namjoon pressed his lips together thoughtfully, nodding in understanding.

"Girl, whatever it is, shouldn't you be leaving this place now?" Y/n looked towards the source of the voice, finding Yoongi emerging from his room with his characteristic cool demeanor.

She then noticed that all of them were dressed impeccably, perhaps indicating they were heading for the interview. Y/n stood up, gazing at each of them intently. "Y-you all look good," she complimented with a warm smile. They returned the smile, unsure of how to respond. "All the best for today, hwaiting," she wished them luck, though they couldn't quite gauge their emotions at her words.

"Yeah, we are leaving. And what about you?" Suga asked, raising his brows at her. She looked at him blankly for a moment before responding, "I-I'll leave as well," she said with a slight smile.

"Where? Where will you go?" Jungkook asked, his expression filled with concern.

"I-i don't know," she replied with a smile.

"Yoongi hyung, can't we-"

"No, she can't stay here. She's already mysterious as hell. What if she's a spy or someone sent her to kill us?" Yoongi pointed a finger at her, voicing his suspicions.

"No, I'm not! Why do you think so badly of me? Do you even know how much I like you?" she asked, her frustration evident in her pout and the crease on her forehead. Yoongi stared back at her, speechless, as did the others.

"W-what?" he stammered, a crimson color spreading across his cheeks.

"Nothing," she said, looking down.

"Well then, don't get into trouble. Stay safe," Namjoon said with a warm smile. They all looked at him, puzzled.

"What? Well, he isn't wrong. She has to leave at some point, and we don't even know if she's alive or... she needs to figure out a lot of things," he explained.

"Goodbye," she waved at them, feeling a sense of heaviness inside. "I'm really pleased to meet you all, even if it's under these circumstances. Take care," she said, looking at Yoongi, who seemed to be carrying some guilt. With a final wave, she walked to the door.

"Wait!" J-Hope called out as she reached for the doorknob. She turned to him, her eyes lighting up with surprise. "Yes?" she responded. J-Hope walked over to a corner and grabbed a pair of shoes for her. "Here, take this," he offered, extending the shoes towards her. She looked at them with a slight smile before accepting. "Thank you," she said gratefully, bowing down to him in appreciation for his kind gesture.

As she stepped out of the house, the members couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the air.

"Will she be alright?... I don't feel too good about this," Taehyung expressed with a heavy sigh.

"Same," chimed in Jimin, his tone reflecting his concern.

"Me too," Jin added, his lips pursed in worry. Yoongi remained silent, his gaze averted from the others, a hint of guilt flickering in his eyes.

"Guys, cheer up, we have to go for our interview, we can't let her get to us, just think of it as a one-night dream," Namjoon suggested, attempting to lighten the mood.

"More like a nightmare, I would say," Suga scoffed, distancing himself from the conversation. The others looked at him with puzzled expressions.

"Isn't he taking it too personally?" Jin remarked, noting Suga's reaction.


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