Chapter 12

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Night fell, and they all gathered to eat together. Everyone was engaged in conversation except for Jungkook and Y/n, who sat at opposite ends of the table, staring at their untouched food.

"Hey, what's wrong with you two?" Jin asked, glancing from Y/n to Jungkook. They exchanged a glance, but as soon as their eyes met, they quickly looked away.

"I'm sure he did something," said Yoongi, tearing into the meat with his teeth. Jungkook glanced at him, his eyes widening in denial. "Then what is it?" Yoongi pressed.

"Uh... I walked in on her while she was changing," Jungkook confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. They all looked up from their plates, shocked by the revelation.

"W-what?" Jimin choked on his wine, his eyes darting between Jungkook and Y/n. "H-how can you just tell them that randomly?" Y/n protested, standing up in embarrassment. Jungkook looked at her nervously as the others reacted.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," said J-hope, quickly looking away. "Same," echoed Jin. "Yeah, no one heard it," Yoongi mumbled as he returned to eating. Y/n sat back down, her cheeks burning hot with embarrassment at the memory.

"Sorry," Jungkook muttered with a pout, feeling remorseful for his actions.

"Those clothes look good on you," J-hope mentioned, attempting to ease the tension. "Thanks, I really like them," Y/n replied, grateful for the change of topic.

"Y/n?" Namjoon looked up at her, his expression serious. She met his gaze with empty eyes, waiting for his question. "Don't you think we should try to find out what happened to you?" he asked, his concern evident. The others exchanged looks before directing their attention back to Y/n, awaiting her response.

"I also want to know, but I don't know how," Y/n admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. "I know a way," Namjoon stated confidently, catching everyone's attention. They looked at him expectantly. "But let's eat first," he added, redirecting the focus to their meal.


"How are we going to find that out?" Taehyung asked as they all gathered in the living room.

"Social media," Namjoon replied. Y/n frowned initially, but then realization dawned on her. "I can log into one of my social accounts. If I'm dead or something like that, my friends or family must have posted about it," she suggested.

Their mouths gaped in astonishment at the idea, and they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, you're right. Why didn't we think of that before?" Jimin clicked his tongue, shooting a playful glare at Namjoon.

"Here, take this," J-hope said, passing her the iPad. "You can use this."

She accepted it gratefully and settled down to log into her social media accounts.

"I'm on Instagram, I should check there first," she said, with everyone crowding around her as she tapped on the screen. Sensing their intense curiosity, she glanced up at them, noticing their eager eyes fixed on the screen. "Privacy, please," she requested, turning away from their prying gazes. Reluctantly, they backed off, except for Jungkook, who lingered a bit too close for comfort.

"I'm so nervous," she muttered, her voice tinged with anxiety. "What if I'm really dead?" she pouted, her expression filled with worry.

She scrolled through her feed, and the first thing she saw was a reel of Namjoon's hip thrust. She glanced at Namjoon and the others behind her. They all laughed while Namjoon coughed, looking away. "That's not my fault, someone else posted it," she said quickly scrolling down.

Her hands froze on the screen as she saw a post. It was from her friend, who had posted about her. "This is about me," she said. All the others quickly huddled around the screen to see.

She dropped the iPad on the sofa as she saw the photo of herself lying in a hospital bed. They all looked at each other, and Namjoon picked up the iPad to read through the post. "You're not dead, just in a coma," he said.

Y/n's head started to spin as she kept picturing her photo of being in the hospital. It was bothering her, and she could feel herself floating. "I-I'm dreaming all this?" she held her head as it spun. Suddenly, her heartbeat increased as well, a fear of losing this moment made her scared. She stood up, looking at them.

" You okay Y/n?" Jin asked as she stumbled on her feet and dropped to her knees. " I-I'm not feeling well," she murmured, her eyes almost rolling back. "What happened?" Taehyung quickly went by her side. "I-I'm feeling really uncomfortable... a-and scared," she said, holding onto Taehyung's forearm. "What is it? What happened?" Yoongi asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Y-you're all part of a dream," a tear dropped on her cheeks. Taehyung and Yoongi looked at each other in confusion. "I-I'm dreaming," she said, a sob leaving her lips. "What? You're not Y/n," they said. "I-I'm scared," she said before she fell unconscious.

"Y/n!" All the others quickly surrounded her. She collapsed on Taehyung's shoulder. "Y/n! Y/n!" he patted her cheeks, and a tear rolled sideways from her eyes.

They all were nervous, feeling helpless. They couldn't call a doctor because no one could see her. "Are we part of her dream, as she is saying?" Jungkook asks, looking at her. They all looked at him in disbelief. "Are you crazy? She's in our house, Jungkook," Jimin said, kneeling by her side. "-Then is she in our dream?" He asks.

"Yeah, stop talking, pick her up," Jin said, his voice trembling with fear.

Taehyung nodded and reached out to put his hand around her, but his eyes widened in shock. They all stepped back at what they saw. "W-What's wrong with her?" J-hope gasped. Taehyung's hand slipped through her body, leaving them all stunned.

"Y-Y/n??" Taehyung looked at her in shock as he tried to grab her arms, but his hands went through her body once again. "W-What's happening to her?" Jimin looked at her in shock.

She became transparent; it was as if she was fading away.


WHEN THE WORLD'S COLLIDED || BTS X READER ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora