Chapter 3

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"Ugh... when are the cops arriving? I just want to sleep," Jungkook grumbled, his impatience evident as he tapped his heels on the floor.

"Are they really going to send me to jail... why? I don't even know how I ended up here... what's happening... please God, if this is a dream, wake me up... please," I whispered fervently, squeezing my eyes tightly shut in desperation.

As the doorbell rang, everyone's attention turned to me. "I'll go and check," Namjoon offered, making his way towards the door. I stood up, feeling nervous under their watchful gazes.

The door opened to reveal a middle-aged man accompanied by two officers. My heart pounded in my chest as I nervously tapped my heel on the ground, awaiting their next move.

"Here, we don't know how she got in, and she's giving us all these weird answers. Please take her away," Suga stated firmly, pointing his finger accusingly at me. Shocked, I took a step back, my eyes wide with disbelief as I looked at the officer and shook my head in denial. "I-I didn't do anything," I protested, my voice trembling with fear.

The officer's response was unexpected. He laughed nervously and glanced around at all of them. "W-where?" he asked, his gaze confused as he looked at them for guidance.

"There, right in front of you. She's the intruder," Suga reiterated, pointing at me once more. But the officer continued to stare past me as if he were gazing into nothingness, leaving me feeling even more unsettled and confused.

"Uh... is this a prank? You guys are doing some show?" the officer asked, leaning towards the members of BTS, his expression bewildered. The boys frowned in confusion.

"What, sir, can't you see that girl wait—," Taehyung began, walking closer to me and pointing his finger right at my face. But before he could finish his sentence, the man let out a cackle before shaking his head in denial. His two officers scratched their heads, looking equally clueless.

"What's happening? Why can't they see me?" I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur, feeling a chill run down my spine as I realized the gravity of the situation.

The boys mirrored my confusion, their expressions mirroring my bewilderment. Taehyung raised his brows at me, and I could only respond with a helpless shrug.

"Sir, you're saying you can't see this girl right here beside me?" Taehyung pressed, this time holding my hand and raising it into the air. The officer shook his head again, his denial sending shivers down my spine.

Taehyung scoffed in frustration, releasing my hand, and the members of BTS stared at me with pure terror etched on their faces. "Why can't they see me?" I whispered, fear gripping my heart as I struggled to comprehend what was happening.

"Wait, let me try something," Jin suggested, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of me. I flinched slightly as the camera clicked.

"Here, see," Jin offered, showing the phone screen to the officer. The man looked at it with a nervous smile before shaking his head once more. "What? How can you not see this girl here right in the picture?" Jin gasped in surprise, tapping on the screen in disbelief.

"What's happening? Why can't they see you?" Suga's voice broke through the tense silence as he took a step towards me. "I-I don't know," I stammered, feeling utterly lost and confused.

"H-Hyung, w-what if she's a ghost?" Jungkook whispered to Hoseok. A nervous tension settled over the group as they exchanged uneasy glances. "You two can also not see her?" Jin questioned, pointing in my direction. They all shook their heads in response.

"This is driving me crazy. Why can't they see you?" Jin asked, his eyes wide with shock. "I-I don't know," I repeated, my voice trembling with frustration and fear.

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