Chapter 31

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You strolled around the set while the boys underwent interviews for their upcoming album and Run BTS 3. Despite still being clad in your pajamas, you had managed to freshen up and tidy your just-awakened hair.

The boys seemed apprehensive about leaving you unattended again, which explained your sudden presence. You observed them with a slight pout as the interview stretched on for around thirty minutes, following a photo shoot. You couldn't help but be mesmerized by their ethereal appearance, despite their evident sleep deprivation from the previous night.

Their unwavering professionalism struck you, prompting the realization that there must have been numerous occasions when they had shown up to the set fatigued yet never let it show.

You sighed sadly and glanced at them once more, only to catch sight of a boy staring in your direction. Initially, you brushed it off, assuming that nobody could see you except for BTS. However, his persistent gaze began to unsettle you, stirring a sense of panic within.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you recognized him as someone familiar.

"Y-Yeonjun," you exclaimed, your voice wavering.

Yeonjun, a member of the TXT group, approached you slowly, wearing a frown on his face. Despite your fondness for them, you hadn't fully committed to being a fan yet, though you harbored a small crush on Yeonjun.

You averted your gaze, silently praying that he wouldn't notice you.

"Excuse me?" His voice brought you back to reality, and you cleared your throat, still in disbelief that he could see you.

"Are you here for an audition?" Yeonjun asked, and you nervously met his gaze.

"Y-you can see me?" you stammered, surprised.

He chuckled in amusement and nodded. "I- yes, yes," you quickly agreed, playing along. You couldn't help but notice how the cameraman in front of you turned to look at Yeonjun, clearly intrigued.

"I-I gotta go to the washroom," you said hastily, excusing yourself. Instead of heading to the washroom, you made a beeline for the car and slipped inside, feeling a mixture of confusion and excitement.

"H-how did he see me?" you murmured to yourself, tilting your head to the side as you tried to make sense of it all.

After nearly an hour passed, Taehyung came running to the car, startling you when he opened the door. "Y/n," he panted softly.

"Tae?-" you started, but before you could finish, he interrupted you.

"For God's sake, why did you leave the set?" he exclaimed, quickly getting into the car and embracing you. A chill ran down your spine as he hugged you tightly. "I- I'm sorry," you muttered, realizing you had scared him.

He abruptly broke off the hug and kissed you. You closed your eyes tightly, gripping his biceps as his kisses became rushed and desperate. You understood his impatience, but he was being too hasty, even biting your lips in the process.

As you glanced peripherally, you noticed other members nearby. You began to mumble in protest against his kiss, attempting to push him away, but he disregarded your signal and firmly held your neck.

Feeling embarrassed, you simply closed your eyes. As footsteps approached, your heart sank, and Taehyung hesitated at your lips before releasing you.

Yoongi let out a loud scoff and turned away, avoiding the scene. Jimin's expression dropped in disbelief and hurt, and you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze or anyone else's.

"H-Hyung... she... she was here," Taehyung stammered, wiping his lips nervously as he glanced at everyone. His face flushed with embarrassment, mirroring your own feelings.

The silence from everyone only added to the awkwardness, causing you to wish desperately for the ground to swallow you whole. The embarrassment was palpable.

"Shift, let us through," J-Hope finally broke the silence, motioning for Taehyung to make way as they headed indoors.

The journey back home was stiflingly quiet and tense. Your cheeks burned throughout the ride, and no one dared to break the silence. 'Awkward' seemed to echo in the quiet.

Upon arriving home, you just wanted to retreat to your room and hide for the rest of the day. However, Jimin had other plans. He grasped your wrist and pulled you to his side.

"I think we need to talk about what happened back there," he said, prompting resigned sighs from everyone, knowing that another dramatic scene was about to unfold.

"What do you want to discuss, Jimin?" Taehyung inquired, his gaze fixed on his hands clasped with yours.

"Well, you kissed her back there," he blurted out. Uncomfortable shuffling ensued as everyone relived the moment.

"So what? She's my girlfriend, and I was concerned," Taehyung defended. Jimin scoffed, feeling a pang of jealousy, while Jin rubbed his head and stifled a yawn.

"Hey Jimin, it's time to call it a night and let everyone else sleep," Jin intervened, gesturing for quiet. Jimin sulked and threw another mini tantrum.

"Well, like I said, she should treat us all equally, which means..." He trailed off, looking at her with a hopeful expression.

"No, absolutely not... I wasn't the one who initiated it," she retorted, pulling her hand away and giving him a shocked look.


"No," she cut him off with a firm glare before briskly walking away. Taehyung couldn't help but smirk and tease Jimin by sticking out his tongue.

The others, relieved, rose from their seats and dispersed to their respective rooms. Yoongi gave Jimin a reassuring pat on the shoulder before heading off, leaving Jimin alone downstairs.

"How unfair... I need to get that kiss," Jimin mused to himself, feeling a mix of frustration and longing.

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