Chapter 14

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Dear Diary,

You know why I'm writing this, don't you?

If I ever find myself back where I started, and if they all forget about me like in those movies, I want you to make sure they remember me. I know it might sound selfish, but after all the memories we've shared, I just don't want to be forgotten.

What if I forget them? It's a scary thought, isn't it? But I guess life moves on, and sometimes memories fade. Still, I hope I never forget the moments we've shared, the laughs we've had, and the bond we've built. They'll always hold a special place in my heart, even if time tries to blur the memories.


"Hey, Y/n?" J-hope's sudden appearance startles her, prompting her to swiftly sit up. With a quick motion, she closes the diary and sets it behind her. "What's in the diary?" he inquires. She responds with a smile and a shake of her head. "Oh, just personal thoughts," she replies, attempting to evade his curiosity. But his probing gaze makes her wonder if she's been too secretive.

 J-hope's playful demeanor doesn't deter as he tries to reach for it. "Ooh, you must be hiding plenty of secrets in there then," he teases, prompting her to pull it out of his reach. "You shouldn't touch someone's diary; it's a private thing, and I believe you all will get to read it one day," she asserts, safeguarding her thoughts.

"We will?" J-hope's surprise is evident as he looks at her. She nods hesitantly. "When I'm gone, then," she says slowly, her tone carrying a hint of sadness. J-hope smiles faintly, feeling a tinge of guilt. "You're making me feel bad now," he admits, standing up with an awkward laugh. She watches him with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry, I won't read it," J-hope reassures her, meeting her gaze.

"Okay, forget that... we're preparing for a concert in Seoul, you wanna join the crowd?" He asks. Her eyes light up with excitement. "Really? I can?" she asks, standing up eagerly. He nods. "Let's go and discuss with the others," he suggests. Y/n nods happily and walks out of the room with him.

"It's been so long since we performed in Korea," says Jungkook as he leans back on the sofa, panting softly. They had just come back from working out. "I know, ARMYs will be so happy," said Jimin, his smile warm with the thought of seeing the fans.

"They must be looking forward to seeing me so badly," said Jin, running his hands through his long hair. Namjoon laughed, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He was wearing a vest and black shorts. "Where is Hobi hyung?" Taehyung asked. "He's upstairs with Y/n," said Yoongi.

"We're literally living with a girl, who's more lucky, us or her?" Jimin exclaimed. They all looked at him blankly. Namjoon blinked and gave him a judgmental look. "She's adorable though," Taehyung said. "Yeah, she is, and so in love with us," Jungkook added with a chuckle.

"Yeah, she deserves to express it. I mean, ever heard of someone living with their idols? It must be a dream come true for her," said Namjoon. "Yeah, and a nightmare for us," said Yoongi, exhaling deeply.

"I'm so excited for this. I've never attended any of your concerts," Y/n tells Hobi as they walk down the stairs. The boys turn towards them, and they all fixate their gaze on Y/n. Perhaps it was the way she was laughing and smiling, or her walk, or simply the lighting angle, but they were all looking at her with hearts in their eyes.

" She's beautiful," Jungkook murmurs softly. Jimin nods in agreement. " So radiant," Taehyung adds with a smile. " Hot-" Jin interrupts sharply, "She's a kid." He glares at them sternly. "Of course, we were just playing, Hyung," Jimin quickly clarifies, and they all laugh nervously.

"What are you guys talking about?" Y/n asks as she stands before them. "Concert," says Yoongi, pouring himself a glass of water. "Wait, let me pour it for you," says Y/n, getting on her knees. They all look at her in amazement, and Yoongi is taken aback. "What are you doing?" he asks, surprised.

"I've heard you guys want to take me to the concert, so I want to be polite and obedient as much as I can towards you all," she said. Yoongi takes the water from her and smirks. "Who said you're coming?" he asks. She looks at Hoseok with smiling eyes.

"We should bring her along. It's not like anyone will be able to see her," he said. Y/n presses her lips in a straight line. "I didn't mean to offend you," he said. "No, it's a great thing that no one can see me except for you all, or else I'd be in jail because of that," she looks at Yoongi as she remembers her first day.

"Fine, she can. You know we need some water boys or girls," said Yoongi, suppressing his smile. "Yoongi-ssi, you don't know how much it would mean to me if I could just be that for you guys," she smiles at him. "Pabo (stupid) girl," Yoongi scoffs. "Okay, she can come to the concert, but she'd have to blend in with the crowd," said Taehyung.

"Don't you worry, I'll make use of my invisibility and stand in the front row. I want to experience the concert like a true ARMY, with an ARMY bomb... but I don't have one," she pouts, looking down. They laughed at her reaction. "I'll buy you one," said Jungkook.

"Really? Thanks. I have one back at my place... you know, the day of my accident. It was on the verge of getting smashed, but I saved it," she said. "And this is the price we're paying for that ARMY bomb," Yoongi teased y/n. She looks at him with a cute frown. "Yoongi-ssi, either you really don't like me or you like me a lot to the point where you're bullying me," she said.

Yoongi's cheeks turned scarlet at her words. "I'll take the first option," he muttered, chugging the water down in one big gulp. Y/n sighed. "You know, I loved you for being this savage, but I gotta be honest, it doesn't feel great to be living through this ironic you," she pouted. Yoongi's lips parted as he heard her saying that. "But it's okay, at least I got to see you," she added. All the others looked at Yoongi and her worriedly.

"If you need me, just call. I'll go and sleep, though I know you guys won't," she said before turning to leave. They watched her go with blank expressions. "She's really hurt, I guess," said Jin. The others nodded in agreement, while Yoongi pressed his lips together, watching her as she walked upstairs.


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