she glanced up at me, "i know."

"you-you know? what do you mean you know?"

"not like that Alex," she holds her hand up. "what i mean is, i know you enjoy my company, it's noticeable."

"is it?" i asked.

"yes," she nods.

i sigh, "im trying my hardest not to kiss you right now, Alyssa."

"i know," she says with a soft sigh. she ran her hands through her hair hopelessly trying to pull away from our eye contact. "you know we cannot do this."

"we're not doing anything, Alyssa," i groan. "you make me feel so fucking much, so fucking fast. too fast. i feel so angry but so happy. i feel so much tension."

"how do you think i feel?" she lifted her brow as she eyed me. "every time im around you, every time i hear about you, every time Alex every time."

"why can't you just take a risk?" i eyed her as i placed my hands on top of hers.

"and lose my job?" she lifts her brow while pulling her hands from underneath mine. "i need my job, Alexandra."

"the way you say my name is so seductive, sexy," i smirk. "say it again."

"shut up."

"make me."

"Alex, do the criteria-the lesson, read it!"

"you are the lesson, dont you see that? im flirting with you, can't you see that, Miss Adam's?"

"if that's your way of flirting, please stop," she chuckles. "get in your books."

"in between your legs seems better," i groan. "live on the edge."

"living on the edge will make me live in poverty," she eyed me coldly. "and i would never ask either you or your father for anything. though i could barely afford bills every month."

"why didn't you say anything? you could've moved back in."

"living with my student seems weird," she eyes me.

"well i didn't know you were going to be my teacher, in my defence," i shrug. "but in all seriousness, if you're in need of help, please don't be afraid to tell us."

"if anything ill stay with my parents," she sighs hopelessly. "i know you wouldn't like the idea of it anyways."

"just because i wouldn't enjoy seeing you everyday doesn't mean ill let you go homeless. neither would my father and you know that."

"Alex," the way she spoke my name felt so magical. like say it again.

i answered, "yes?"

"you can go home now."

"but we're having fun," i frown. "i thought we were having fun, weren't we?"

"you call lessons i have to "reteach" you, that you should stayed awake to hear, having fun? an enjoyable moment?"

"well when you put it like that, no."

"exactly," she points. "now go home, im exhausted and i wanna go home myself."

"at least take me up on the offer," i eye her.

"what offer, Alex?"

"you're not going to be homeless," i life my brow. "i understand you can move with your parents but wouldn't that be out the way?"

"my business, now go," she says while shoving me out of the classroom.


"was that even a question, Ava?" i frowned my brows as i watched her closely.

"yes," she nods. "but are you seriously considering that she moves back in? like weren't you against it?"

"no," i shake my head. "i was never against it. i was up for it actually, i never disliked her as my dads lover or whatever, you know?"

"yes," she nods slowly. "but now that you've grown attached to her, wouldn't that be hard? where would she even sleep?"

"i don't know," i run my fingers through my hair as i sigh hopelessly. "it's a lot of bedrooms in this house but maybe she'll crash with my dad. though it'll be awkward, i mean i don't know i don't know."

she chuckles, "right right, that would."

i sigh, "anyways, enough about that. where's Allen? how'd school go for him?"

"i think you should talk to him about that," she shrugs. "he dont really talk to me all that much."

i frown my brows at her statement, "where is he?"

"outside, well he was last time i checked."

i nod before exiting my bedroom, swiftly making my way down the stairs and out of the door. fuck, it was cold. why the fuck was he outside anyways?

was the coldness not a bother for him? people like that scared me, shit.

"Allen?" i spoke softly.

"go away," he blurts. "i just wanna be alone right now."

"what's wrong?" my soul held a pit of sadness at the tone of his voice. "why are you outside? it's cold as fuck, Allen."

"it's not bothering me," he shrugs. "they're always talking about you. you're all they talk about, ask about, it's so annoying at this point."

"i beg your pardon?"

"my school," he sighs. he seemed frustrated. "especially the boys."

"why do you care about what they're saying, Allen? why can't you just ignore what they're asking or saying?"

"because it's so frustrating! every second of my life, "your sister is so hot, your sister is stunning, you sister this, your sister that," that's so annoying."

"Allen, you go to school to get your education, correct?"

he nods, "correct."

"exactly and i tell you this, held off them kids you'll befriend or not, you won't see them or talk to them afterwards and that's a promise."

"well what about you and Ava?"

"Ava stayed loyal to me when people stabbed me in my back and only used me for my money," i shrug. "when i was at lowest of my lowest, she held my hand and guided me through my hardships. she was there for me and i was there for her. she cared less about how much money i had or how known i was worldwide, she was family before i could give her the title friend."

he hung his hand down low, "why can't i make friends like that?"

"you can and you will," i placed my finger underneath his chin and lifted his head. "you will go through hardships with people and sometimes it break you and others will make you. they will show you how cruel the world is and that's the purpose. but two people that'll stand behind you no matter what is me and Matt, aka your father."

without saying anything back, he embraced me quickly and tightly.

"shit you're cold Allen," i chuckled softly but embraced him. "how long have you been out here?"

"just 20 minutes," he chuckles.

"two minutes is long enough and you shouldn't be out here anyways," i pulled him the hug and stared into his eyed. "don't do that again, promise me?"

"promise, i pinky promise," he smiles.

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