i took a quick breath as i calmed myself, "relax Alex relax."

i barely wanted to step foot inside the building. i couldn't see how my dad did it all these years but he was much stronger than me. he hid it well.

i know he was hurting and i was trying my hardest with everything in me to be here. he knew i was. but i didn't wanna overdo my limits. he'd come to me on his time.

at least id hope.

i quickly pulled myself together before i dragged myself from my car and off into the building. the warm energy hit me, the scent, coffee.

"hello, Miss Lance, could i get your anything? food? beverages?" Kimberly asked.

"uh, a coffee will do, thank you for asking," i shot her a smile.

"your usual?"

i nod, "you know it."

i swallowed the knot that began to settle in the back of my throat as i pushed my way forward. i swiftly went off into my moms office, taking in her scent. roses.

more paperwork seemed to have been piled up onto her desk, it was overbearing. i ran my finger along the ridge of her desk, it was cold.

"breathe Alex," i pressed myself down onto her desk gently for a hot second. "we can do this, i promise."

my body grew weak, i felt like my knees were gonna give out on me. shit. i quickly slid myself behind her desk and into her chair, fuck it was colder than i expected.

"mom," i breathe out. i ran my hands alongside the armrests of her chest, taking in the texture of them both.

after a second of trying to get myself together, i pulled a small stack of paper work in front of me. i quickly but carefully went through it.

"trash," i whisper before placing it off into the trash piles.

i scanned the room, seeing that i had barely done anything. one step at a time right?

picking up another pile, i quickly but carefully went through it all. it seemed very repetitive. wasn't it?

"files," i whispered to myself. i tossed the papers to my left and within seconds, there was a knock at the door.

"come in!" i blurt and in walks Kimberly.

"i apologize for being so late with it, it was a line and someone had to get more filters-it was a mess," she explains.

i chuckle, "don't apologize, you're not a slave here Kimberly, you can take your time. its totally fine with me but thank you."

i took a small sip from my coffee and i felt my body regain the energy i needed hours ago. finally.

"you sure? is it good? i can always make you a new one?" she rambled.

"no no," i shook my head. "you can take a break, go have lunch or something, Kim. don't stress yourself, it's lovely."


"please," i began to dig through my purse before pulling out a hundred, sliding it her way. "take care of yourself for me."

"Alex..you didn't h-"

"i know, i know i don't have to but i want too. take care of yourself and be safe for me?"

she nods before embracing me tightly, "thank you."

"don't thank me babes," i smile. "you're an amazing employee here and as much shit as we have on our backs, we don't tell you guys that enough but i promise, we love you all."

"thank you so much Alex," she squeezes me tighter.

"no need to thank me."

she pulled away from the hug and shot me a warm smile before exiting the room. i sighed to myself as my head fell down onto the desk. this was killing mr, being here, being in here especially.

"mom i miss you ..." i whispered to myself as the tears ran down my nose and hit the desk. "being here hurts so badly."

i sniffed as i jolted up in the chair, quickly wiping my face. just a few more stacks Alex, just a few.

"what time is it?" i scanned the clock in the room. "12:50, okay, one hour exactly. let's go."

i took another quick sip from my cup of coffee, feeling my body energy return once more. i practically sped up the process and got a lot more done than i expected, shit.

i cleared half of the office that held much paperwork, thank god.

i gathered my things quickly and made my way over to the door. scanning the room, i took it in once more. the scent, the atmosphere, her old belongings.

"i love you so much," i closed my eyes as a faint tear rolled down my cheek. without wiping it off, i made my way out of her office and out of the building.

i had to pick up Allen. he was like 5 minutes away. shit, im ready to go home.

i flew up the street, trying to dodge and avoid as much traffic as i possibly could. today was one of the calm days, thank god.

i was hoping Allen wasn't one of the kids that stayed out and talked to their friends after school. gosh, i hated waiting. i could wait but i was so exhausted.

i pulled up just in time as i noticed him walking out, his bag hanging off his shoulders.

"you look like a frog," i rolled my windows down and blurted. "what's with the faces?"

"nothing, today went ... better than i thought," he shrugged.

"see!" i smiled small as i shoved him lightly. "you kept thinking so negatively, i told you."

"yeah but they mainly asked and talked about you," he says lowly.

"i beg your pardon?" i lifted my brow.

"yeah, especially the girls-well no, it was like fifty fifty."

"ignore them children and get your education, Allen."

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