"can't sleep."

"why can't you sleep, Alex?"

"Alyssa," i groan. "what are you doing here? you're here for what exactly? or whom?"

"i-.. i came to apologize."

"for what?" i say with slight aggressions my tone.

"i didn't mean for you to see that," she says lowly.

"if you're talking about the kiss," i chuckle. "which that's probably the only thing you're talking about, lock your door next time? it was semi open."

"that's because she-"

i hold my hand up, "i don't want to speak on it. it's not my business no way. if that's all you came over for, be safe going back home."


"be safe Alyssa," i eyed her carelessly before shutting the door softly.

i sighed to myself, trying to regain control of whatever sanity i had left. i was tired but not the sleepy kind. i was .. exhausted.

"tired?" Allen questioned, peeking his head up from the couch.

i chuckle, "no, not at all, baby brother."

"hey, im a baby but im not a baby," he frowns. frowning seemed like a kid move to me.

"i know that but you have a baby face and you're my baby brother," i smile. seemingly that word was flying out of my mouth now-openly.

he groans, "ugh fine."

"yes," i smile. "now, get some rest i have to get you placed into a school Monday."

"but it's-"

"i know what today is, Allen, come on."


kid, i swear.


fuck, the weekend went by fairly quickly, though it lasted like two seconds. eh, i wasn't complaining, back to school we go. however, i had to deal with Allen.

i was currently making my way down a school hallway, Bradford's high school to be exactly. i never liked this high school but it was close by home and if need be, a good access point. nevertheless, close by my college as well.

i know you're probably thinking, "well why take your brother to a school you don't like?" it's not that dislike. i just dislike the children, the young men especially.

"im nervous," Allen whispered my way. "i hate being the new kid at schools, it never ends well."

"you need to relax, love," i placed my hand onto his back and rub small circles over his back. "i know the feeling but it takes time and soon you won't be the new kid anymore."

"what if they don't like me?" she questions with his attention now pulled to the ground. "what if i-"

"no," i blurt softly. "if they don't like you, so what. you're you and that's all that matters, follow your own crowd regardless if it's only you. you don't need validation from anyone, ever."

"are you just saying that because you're my sister?"

"brother or friend, you will never need a support system from anyone else but yourself. i promise you that."

he sighs and pulls his attention back up as the principal walks in, just in time.

"oh," she says suddenly. her face held a wide and warm smile. very welcoming. "Miss. Lance, it's very good to meet you."

i nod, "likewise, likewise."

"what brings you by this morning?"

"ah," i stand. "my brother-my baby brother, im trying to get him registered into this school."

"okay," she nods. "what is his grade level."

i eye him, speaking to him with my eyes hoping he knew where i was coming at.

"the eleventh," he announced. bingo.

"okay," she nods once more as she writes it down. "when exactly will he be able to start?"

"today seems fitting," i shrug. "but ill need to get more paperwork for him so many tuesday or wednesday."

"okay, well it was lovely meeting you two," she smiles.

"same for you, Miss.."

"Miss. Brown."

i nod, "same for you, Miss. Brown."

whew, glad that's over.

Allen and i made our way back out of the school and off into my car. it was pretty chilly today and all i wanted was to just curl up in bed. i know Ava was probably busy with classes, it was only 10:30.

suddenly Allen sighs and i could feel the tension. "what's the matter, Allen?" i question.

"im tired of school, im tired of changing schools and being the weird and awkward one."

i take a breath, "Allen look at me, love."

he pulls his attention up and our eyes meet, "yes?"

"i understand what you're saying and how you feel but you have to face your fears one day right?"

he nods.

"exactly and doing the smallest thing may seem like running on water but in your world, you're the director, the editor, and the actor," i state. "if you have the time to sit and worry about what others have to say, rewrite your script and make it long. work on your films because you sure as hell didn't edit them correctly."

"corny movie placement," he chuckles.

he holds his hands up in defense, "hey im just saying, it kinda is."

"shut up," i laugh. "but Allen im serious, what others have to say about you is none of your business. rather it be the truth or false information. if you have the time to sit and worry about what others have to say or think, find a new hobby."

"thank you," he smiles.

"don't thank me, i got you, always."

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