"happy holidays."

"happy holidays."


"well damn, are you and my dad fighting or something ?" i asked as i analyzed the boxes that stood beneath me.

"very funny, Alexandra," Alyssa says sarcastically. "i told you i was moving."

"you said you were thinking about it," i chuckle. "i didn't think you'd move so soon. where's my father ?"

"right here, sweetie," he says while walking down the stairs.

"are you two okay?"

"we're fine, we just thought it'd be best that we were better as friends. would you mind helping her move ?"

"ew, why would i do that?"

dad say you're joking?

"come on Alexandra, just help her. it's the least you can do, you two are always at each other heads."

"ugh fine," i groan loudly as i pick up a box. "this just had to be the night i have," i mumble to myself.

"you don't have to help me," Alyssa says simply.

i eyed her coldly for a second before speaking, "anyways, why are you leaving so suddenly?"

"your father told you plus it'll be highly awkward to be there and act as though we're not friends," she shrugs.

"you don't say," i chuckle. "but this is the last one," i say while placing the box into her car.

"are you gonna get in?" she asked while eyeing me with a questionable glance.

"nah, im gonna walk," i say sarcastically.

"you're so eh," she says while eyeing me. "why are so difficult?"

"you asked a dumb question, why are you so slow ?"

"slow ?" oh baby don't act like that wasn't a dumb question.

"yeah, slow."

"whatever," she says simply as she pulls up to the apartment complex.

"took you long enough," i say as we park.

"oh? you could've drove."

"and if i did, we would've gotten here a lot faster."

it took about 20-25 minutes to get everything from her car up to her place. it wasn't as bad because she was only on the second floor but shit did she have a lot of boxes.

"Alexandra?" i heard suddenly.

"what, Alyssa ?"

she shook her head while sighing, "since it's later, would you mind staying here because i don't feel like driving you back, im tired."

"sure," i shrug. "ill crash in the living room."

"there is a guest bedroom."

"nah its all good, i actually enjoy sleeping in the living room."

"okay. have you eaten at least?" she says while walking off to the kitchen. "i was gonna order, pizza."

"no but pizza sounds nice."

"look at you being all nice."

"dont test me," i eye her. "i can get rude in a second, Alyssa."

"you don't scare me, you know that?"

"ma'am, im not trying to."

"im literally two years older than you, why are you calling me ma'am?"

"i do it to everyone, its just how i speak i guess."

"Alyssa works just fine, Alex," she spoke softly, no attitude, no sarcasm, just soft. it was so different of her and to think we were "getting" along right now.



"why a teacher? and out of all schools in this district, you choose mine?"

"well yes and no, i only chose your school due to how close it was for one and for two, the pay was well. a lot better than the other schools i went out for."

"hmm," i nod. "fair enough."

"how do you plan on spending your holidays ?"

again, i had no idea. i didn't know what my dad and i had planned. i mean just the two of us didn't bother me nor would boring. spending time with him always made me happy.

"uh, i don't know really. ill have to ask my dad, how about you?"

"parents," she says lowly.

"hm, i see a shift in your voice. do you not want to spend the holidays with them?"

"they're those parents," ahh, that screams terrible.

"ouch, good luck with that."

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