• T H I R T Y - T W O •

Start from the beginning

But like I said, Caroline is stubborn as hell so she stops at a halt at the edge of the water.

"Come on!" I yell, standing from the knee deep water and trying to adjust to the temperature once again. Caroline gulps, shaking her head vigorously.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" She exclaims and turns to leave. I rush out of the water and catch her by the arm.

"Don't talk like that baby, I just want to help you get over your fear." I say calmly, rubbing Caroline's shoulders up and down with my wet hands. She flinches at the touch.

"Come, I'll take this slow and steady." I tell her slowly, grabbing her hands. She nods, chewing her lip. I guide her into the water, deeper and deeper, until we reach waist level. I let go of her and she screws her eyes shut, like she doesn't want to see something.

"Open your eyes, love. Stop being dramatic, you aren't dying." I softly chuckle. Slowly and hesitantly, she opens her eyes and looks at where the water rests.

"See? It's shallow so there're no fish here. It's not bad at all, is it now?" I coax, striding in the water. Caroline shakes her head shyly.

"I guess not." She admits, squishing around. I shake my head laughing before submerging myself into the water. When I rise back up to the surface, I shake my wet curls like a dog.

"Ew Harold!" Caroline giggles, covering her face so that she wouldn't get wet. Abruptly, I feel a cold splash on my face and my lips inflame due to the salt water. It causes me to pucker my face up in discomfort.

"Oh hell no, it's on!" I laugh, splashing Caroline back as she tries to get away. Soon, it turns into a full on water fight.
After a while, we are both completely drenched- not even a single dry spot on both our bodies. Caroline seems to be enjoying today and I'm glad that I'm the reason.

"You wanna go deeper, Care?" I ask, hesitating a bit as to Caroline's reaction.

A pause.

"Will there be fish there?" She asks like a child again and I laugh at the cuteness of it.

"Nope, only us, the sun and the beautiful water. The fish are in the dark blue parts." I tell her, pointing to where my eyes can see no farther and where marine ships seem to be in sight.

"Oh, okay then, might as well give it a try." She shrugs and takes my hands again. I lead her deeper and deeper into the water until we reach shoulder level.

This is where Caroline completely freaks out.

"Harry please! Let's go back, I can't do this." She yells, lunging on to my neck and shifting her entire weight onto me. Which is perfectly fine, because in the water it is tolerable.

"Relax, I'm not gonna let you die on your twentieth birthday. You've got so many years ahead of you, babe. Get married, have kids, play with your grandkids- you need to grow old, ya know?" I say casually, but suck in a breath when Caroline hooks both her legs around my waist, her body pressed tightly against mine.

Fuck, why does it have to be so hard to hide a boner?

There's a questionable look on Caroline's face."Uh...Harry? What's this?" She asks, grazing one of her legs softly across my hard on. I bite down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning. I don't want to scare her off with this rather embarrassing scenario.

"Don't. Touch. That." I growl through gritted teeth, unable to control myself.
Her eyebrows crease almost instantly.

"What's up with you?" She asks, and I sigh shakily.

"You're tempting me!" I say, in sort of an accusing tone. Caroline's eyebrows shoot up and she unwraps herself from me in effort to stand on her own two feet.

My eyes are glued to her beautiful pink lips, almost in an animal-like way. "Oh, I'm tempting you? Why is it that I always get blamed for your rudeness? Why do you always get mad at such stupi-" She's cut off by me.

"Shut up and let me kiss you." I mutter before attacking her lips with mine. Our lips move perfectly as always although I can taste the salt water on Caroline's lips. She forcefully wraps her legs around my hips again. Her arms are around my neck, her fingers twirling the baby curls at the nape of my neck. My hands slide down to her bum, squeezing gently.

We both pull away gasping for air. "We did it again!" Caroline says, exasperated. I pull her closer to me.

"You know what? I think its utter bullshit if I'm not allowed to kiss the most beautiful girl I've ever met. It's torture, and it's not fair." I explain, pecking Caroline's lips again. She smiles against my mouth and that's when I know I've said the right things.

A cool air passes by and Caroline's teeth start to chatter. "Are you okay, love?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's just starting to get chilly. Can we go back now?" She asks, tilting her head and I kiss the corner of her mouth.

"Sure baby."

I carry Caroline shallower and shallower until we reach the wet sand again and that's when I start feeling her regular weight. Laying her down on the sand right near the edge of the water, I hover over her.

"Can I kiss you again?" I ask in a quiet mumble, my eyes set on Caroline's radiant locks and glowing skin.

"Why are you asking me?" She smirks and I take this as a chance to show her exactly how dominant I can be.

I dip down to kiss her feverishly on the lips and force my tongue into her mouth. She willingly accepts, moving in sync with me. Right at that moment, a wave crashes down on us but we don't really mind at all.

"You look hot in white." I whisper inside Caroline's ear and move down to her neck, leaving sloppy kisses there. She takes a fistful of my curls and gives them a tug, making me groan. I pull away.

"Shit, what am I doing?" I ask myself, eyes widening, "Clearly, I can't control my dick so..."

I let out a nervous laugh and Caroline lightens the mood by doing so as well.
"Right." She ends off, her cheeks flushing a crimson red. I bring myself to my feet and pull her up as well.

"Go get changed, we'll be on the road for quite some time." I tell Caroline, reaching for her towel on the rocks.

"What do you mean?" She asks curiously and I laugh. I have lots of surprises in store, this isn't the only one.

"We've got the whole day, love. Let's enjoy it while we can."


A/N: Oh yeah! So how was the chapter? I'm writing this late at night so sorry for the grammar/spelling errors. I apologize. Okay I'm exhausted g'night. zzzzzzz... Vote+Comment please!:) ~M.

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