54) Intruders (6-7/6-16)

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(The youtuber Shel_BB doesn't have any more chapter videos for Chapter 6, so I will be using collected chapter videos from Otome Ayui. I am also gonna skip a few chapters, to have the main focus on Lumi. I will link the video for you to see the skipped chapters.)

Lumi POV

''WHAAAT?'' Exclaim everyone shocked at the sudden news. Vil will actually pay us with his own money. I he for real? And why am I getting payed? I didn't even performed with them, just hosted a place to stay for their 'training camp'.

''We don't want you to do that.'' Denied Epel and want to hand back the envelope to Vil.

''If I calculate your performance fee and training fee together. It is reasonable amount as your salary.'' Says Vil and don't accept the envelope from Epel. ''Stop buying my feelings with money. That is what I told my manager before, but now I am doing the same things now. Very funny, isn't it? But I really wanted to move on from my mistake. Please accept this as my apologies.'' Everyone stays quite for some time, when Kalim stands up and give Vil a smile.

''Okay, I understand. I will take the money.'' Says Kalim.

''Kalim?'' Mumble Jamil surprised by that.

''Don't get me wrong. I would never blame Vil for the loss of our team. But if this could make you feel better, I will take it.'' Explain Kalim and suddenly walk over to me. ''And I will donate all the money to Ramshackle dorm.''

''EHHH?'' Shouts everyone shocked, besides Jamil who just sighed, while I just gasped at the generosity and slowly takes the envelope.

''Seriously? Did Neige's story influence you?'' Ask Jamil and stand up to be beside Kalim.

''That is not it... No, maybe you are right about that.'' Admit Kalim and look at the paintings of the lounge room. ''I was really surprised by the condition of Ramshackle dorm during the training camp. IT IS SUPER CRAPPY.''

''Y-You don't have to say it so loud.'' I defend for my dorms poor stage. ''I am just one person doing all the renovation, so of course will it take time. And it is way better than how it used to be at the beginning of the school.''

''Sometimes the water will stop when I am showering, the roof is leaking, and I can feel the wind blowing through the small gap of the house. I have never experienced something like that before.'' Admit Kalim with a grin, not knowing those words are slightly insulting. ''I can understand why the name of this dorm is Ramshackle (Onboro). Hahaha''

''... Indeed, you are right about that.'' Agreed Jamil and cross his arms and look at me.

''Lumi and the ghosts have helped us a lot during the training camp. And most of all, I had so much fun living in this house.'' Says Kalim and give me a quick hug. ''That is why I want to fix the dorm as a way to express my gratitude. It is my money after all, I can spend it on anything I want.''

''Roi d'or, you truly have a rich heart.'' Admire Rook with a wink. Jamil sighed and then hand over his envelope to me.

''As a servant, I can't reject my master's kindness. I will accept the money. And I will be donating my money to Ramshackle Dorm too.'' Says Jamil and step back, so I can't give it back. ''Money is more like an extra bonus to me.''

''As for me, I have promised Vil-san that I will defeat Neige with my loveliness, but I failed.'' Says Epel and stand up to, with his envelope in hand. ''I broke my promise, I don't have the right to accept this money. But I can fully understand how Vil-san feels right now. So I will take the money, and I will donate it to Ramshackle too.'' Epel put the envelope on the small pile of other envelope and smile to me. ''Let's surprise Grim-kun with a brand new Ramshackle dorm after he returns.''

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