this shouldn't have been this way!

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Taehyung Pov-

As I observed the lively conversations and laughter around me, a message from my manager abruptly stole my attention:

"Taehyung, we require your immediate presence at the office. It's an urgent matter."

"I can't come right now, I'm enjoying my time with my friends!"

"Taehyung, you must come. It pertains to the Japan incident."

Those words widened my eyes with concern. However...

"Don't worry, I'll handle it from here!" I swiftly replied.

It no longer felt like me taking charge.

Casting a quick gaze at everyone, my eyes fixated on y/n...

Feeling a sense of urgency, I decided to speak up, unable to wait any longer.

"Y/N, I regret to inform you that an emergency requires my immediate attention. I'll see you at the airport in two days. Goodbye!"

Without further delay, I turned to depart, my mind consumed by the impending tasks ahead.

Y/n pov-

While sitting in Jungkook's car, he unexpectedly posed a question to me.

"Um, y/n, something feels off about Taehyung's behavior around you. Are you truly safe with him?"

His concern was evident in his voice.

"I-I assure you, Jungkook, I'm safe with Taehyung. He's just going through some personal issues, nothing to worry about."

"On a serious note, y/n, you do know the circumstances surrounding Hyun-wu's death, right? Even though it wasn't directly aimed at him, it was somewhat connected."

Those words ignited a surge of anger within me. Of course, I knew everything. I wasn't a child, and neither was Taehyung. Why was Jungkook prying so much?

"Jungkook, I'm well aware of all the details and I understand the complexities. You don't need to worry so much about me."

As I spoke, I sensed Jungkook's gaze fixed upon me, but I refused to meet his eyes. I was already infuriated enough.

After a tiresome ten-minute drive, we finally arrived at my place. However, before I could exit the car, Jungkook seemed intent on continuing the conversation. Fed up, I swung open the door and slammed it shut in his face, storming inside through the gate.

Heading straight to my bedroom, I locked the door behind me. Changing into comfortable attire, I collapsed onto my bed, contemplating the sudden change in Taehyung's behavior and the unsettling conversation with Jungkook. Unbeknownst to me, fatigue took over, and I fell into a deep slumber.

Jungkook's POV-

In a dimly lit room at his house...

"What's gotten into her? Can't she see the truth? That arrogant Taehyung, he acts as if he owns her! NO, HE DOESN'T! She belongs to me. I love her deeply, and I'll do anything to make her mine! No one can stop me, you hear that, you jerk!"

I glance at the figure lying in front of me, barely conscious, almost lifeless. He's my dear friend, someone I've cherished since middle school. But well, not as much as my beloved y/n...

"There was no need for you to ask such a foolish question to my sweetheart, y/n. Huh, Felix? But you did. Did you really think I would let any other man get close to her when she's all mine?" I sneer, delivering a harsh kick to his stomach as he groans in pain.

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