Hating on you is a curse

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Trigger warning- Panic Attack scene ahead!

Y/n pov-

Limping, I retreat from the chaotic crowd, searching for solace in a quiet corner. Weary and trembling, I collapse onto a bench in the serene backyard of the venue.

Examining my quivering hands and legs, I struggle to catch my breath, burdened by its weight. Overwhelmed, I break down, my cries echoing in anguish.

"Ah... I can't..." I whimper, tears cascading onto my trembling hands. Each scream growing more haunting, I appear ghostly to any passerby, lost in a torrent of tears.

Desperate, I pound my chest, attempting to regain control of my breathing, but to no avail. Falling from the bench to the ground, I sit there, feeling hollow and empty.

"M-Mom! cough Dad!" I scream, my voice becoming increasingly raw. I'm powerless against the overwhelming tide of tears, panic, and anxiety that engulf me. Everything feels desolate.

Why must I contemplate every misfortune I've endured at this very moment? Why does Min Yoongi reappear in my life, intertwining himself with my friends? Haven't his previous actions inflicted enough pain upon me?

"Why... why, Min Yoongi? Why cough did you hurt me so deeply when all I offered was pure love... cough You were the first person to whom I gave my all, only to be rewarded with agony and suffering."

Gripping my stomach, I attempt to quell the unsettling sensations as tears flow uncontrollably down my cheeks.

I yearn for the ease of hating you, forgetting you, and moving on, just as easily as these tears flow from my eyes. Four years have passed, and yet I still bear the same pain I believed I had overcome. Isn't it ironic that you remain the source of both beautiful and painful memories? cough cough

Struggling to catch my breath, I force myself to stop dwelling on him, for it would only lead me to the confines of a hospital bed.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps drawing near, gradually slowing. Someone halts behind me, and as I summon my last ounce of strength to face them, I find him—the very reason behind my suffering—gazing down upon me, lying on the grass.

He kneels before me, attempting to extend his assistance, but I recoil, gesturing for him to stay away. Tears continue to flow, leaving me utterly shattered.

Tears streaming down his face, he gazes at me, his emotions laid bare. His sorrowful state leaves me bewildered—why is he crying? Does he finally comprehend the pain he inflicted upon me? Has he realized the depths of my suffering? What could be the reason behind these heart-wrenching tears?

In this vulnerable moment, he seeks solace in my presence, engulfing me in an unexpected embrace. Taken aback, I stand frozen, uncertain of how to respond. Should I return the embrace, provide comfort, or push him away? I remain still, allowing him to weep against my neck, tears welling up in my own eyes. It's unbelievable—I still can't bear to witness him in such anguish before my very eyes. How contradictory.

Growing uncomfortable, I gently push him away, and he looks at me, his eyes puffy, his nose red, and his lips tinged with pink. In this instance, he appears breathtakingly beautiful.

His hands find their way to my cheeks, wiping away the tears I didn't even realize I was shedding. Our foreheads meet, erasing any distance between us. His warm breath grazes my face as his eyes lock with mine, brimming with tears.

He blinks, and fresh tears trickle down his cheeks. Even I am not immune to this overwhelming moment. If only this moment could have transpired four years ago, on that fateful November 20th—the ugliest day of my life. I longed for him to expose his vulnerability before me, to be as broken in front of me as he left me feeling.

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