Serenade of smiles or melancholy

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Taehyung POV-

Sitting in my car outside Y/N's apartment that I was informed about by none other than Mr. Junghun, hidden from her view, I anxiously wait for her to appear. Minutes feel like hours as I keep my gaze fixed on the entrance, heart racing. Finally, a glimmer of hope as she steps out, but my heart sinks as she's not alone.

My grip on the steering wheel tightens, knuckles going white, as I see her laughing uproariously with another man. My blood boils at the sight, jealousy and anger twisting in my chest. They climb into a sleek white Mercedes, driving away together. I start my car and follow, emotions churning.
They arrive at a training center. Y/N waves goodbye to the man, her smile infectious, as she heads inside. He reminds her to eat properly, and her smile in response feels like a dagger to my heart. The man drives off, leaving Y/N behind.

I watch Y/N disappear inside the building, my curiosity piqued by this new chapter of her life. What's she up to in there? A thousand questions race through my mind, but I wrestle them down, reminding myself that I need to let this go. I drive away, heading to my own office, determined to focus on work. But I know I'll be back in the evening, watching, waiting, unable to keep myself from checking when she leaves and where she goes.

Third person's pov-

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city streets, Y/N emerged from the training center. A symphony of farewells and laughter accompanied her exit, as her colleagues bid her goodbye. Her gaze swept the surroundings, confirming that the coast was clear before she confidently crossed the bustling road.

Amid the evening's hustle and bustle, a figure remained discreetly hidden, watching her every move with an intensity that betrayed his emotions. He had positioned himself carefully, ensuring he was concealed from her view. Y/N's laughter echoed in the air, caught up in the chatter of her "more family than friends" group chat on her phone.

Unbeknownst to her, the figure followed her with unwavering dedication. She approached the metro station, her steps quick but purposeful. With practiced ease, she procured a pass and stationed herself on the platform, the rhythmic clatter of approaching trains barely registering as she indulged in the silliness of yeonjun and namjoon bickering over some girl they thought liked either one them in the club they went to yesterday..

The train's arrival was heralded by a soft rumble, and Y/N finally stowed her phone in her bag. As the doors slid open, she slipped onto the almost deserted carriage, choosing a seat by the window. The city lights painted fleeting patterns on her face as she leaned against the glass, lost in her thoughts.

Meanwhile, the figure maintained a careful distance, his eyes never leaving her. He contemplated occupying the seat opposite her, drawn by the allure of proximity. Yet, fate had other plans.

Just as he made his decision, her phone rang, shattering the stillness that had enveloped her. The melodious chime of the ringtone was like music to her ears. Her lips curved into a radiant smile as she read the caller ID. "Hobi," it read.

Curiosity gnawed at the figure, his intrigue growing with each word she exchanged. He watched as she spoke animatedly, her tone a symphony of excitement and warmth. Plans for a shared Korean meal floated in the air, painting a picture of companionship and comfort.

The train approached her destination, causing her to stir from her reverie. She rose gracefully, walking toward the door with a hint of reluctance in her movements. She answered the call with lingering enthusiasm, her voice brightening the carriage. "Yeah, okay, pls keep the rest of the chatter for later onn I'm on the way anyways will catch with u yea! bye Hobi." With those words, she stepped off the train, the figure left pondering the new name that had entered his world.

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