why is taehyung treated that way?🥀

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Y/n POV--

It has been nearly two and a half weeks since Taehyung's conspicuous absence from school. Concern gnaws at my heart as I ponder his well-being, especially considering the injuries he sustained before vanishing from sight. Yet, a disquieting truth hangs in the air—I find it perplexing that no one else seems to acknowledge his absence. Not a single mention of his name or inquiries as to his whereabouts escape the lips of my peers. The atmosphere remains undisturbed, as if Taehyung's presence holds no significance to them.

Amidst this enigmatic silence, one individual stands out amidst the crowd—Soojin. A peculiar calmness and a certain elation radiate from her, more pronounced than in any other. Strangely, she seems to relish Taehyung's absence within the confines of our educational sanctuary. Could it be that he has become utterly inconsequential to her? Her disdain for him is palpable, and it taints the very air we breathe.

Even the teachers, those entrusted with our well-being and education, exhibit no curiosity regarding Taehyung's conspicuous absence. They carry on with their duties without so much as a passing mention of his name. It leaves me to wonder: has he truly become a phantom in the eyes of everyone around me? A person who ceases to exist, fading into the abyss of collective indifference?

The questions persist, tormenting my thoughts, and I find myself grappling with the weight of this surreal situation.

Y/N's house—

Thursday arrived, heralding another day of school. Descending the staircase, I greeted the morning with a warm salutation to my parents, their smiles amplifying the positivity that permeated the air. With haste, I devoured my breakfast, savoring the lovingly prepared meal before gathering my belongings, including the carefully packed lunchbox courtesy of my mother. Bid farewell to my parents, I embarked upon the day, slipping into the car, ready to set forth towards the school's domain.

Within the confines of the car—

Contemplation seized my thoughts as I embarked on the journey to school. The elusive presence of Taehyung lingered at the forefront of my mind, almost two weeks having transpired since our last encounter within the sterile walls of the medical room.

A deep sigh escaped my lips, as I grappled with the mystery surrounding his enigmatic utterance: "I'm a monster." Such a phrase, so unconventional, left me perplexed, questioning the reasoning behind his cryptic declaration. It was akin to a riddle worthy of Sherlock Holmes himself, defying comprehension.

A deluge of inquiries flooded my mind, an entangled web of curiosity within my foolish head. The questions swirled relentlessly:

"Why does the collective silence shroud him in a shroud of oblivion?"

"Why does he find himself devoid of companionship, trapped in the clutches of isolation?"

"What forces him into the margins, an outcast in our midst?"

"Does he possess an impenetrable shield, impeding all emotional attachments?"

"What grievous sin has he committed to warrant such cruel treatment?"

Alas, only Taehyung himself holds the key to unlock this labyrinth of queries, his enigmatic persona guarding the answers I seek.

Within the confines of the school—

Y/N's pov—

Upon reaching the school premises, I ascended the stairs, climbing to the fourth floor where my classroom resided. Anticipation fluttered within me, hope filling my heart as I yearned for Taehyung's presence. As the door slid open, my eyes darted to my seat, and there he was—Taehyung, occupying his customary spot. Excitement overwhelmed me, and without a moment's hesitation, I exclaimed his name in sheer delight, "Taehyung-ahhh, you're back!"

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