You can't have me

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Y/n POV-

I was utterly taken aback as I stared in disbelief at Seojun. "What on earth are you doing here?" I shouted, my voice filled with shock and fear.

Before I could utter another word, he swiftly approached me, forcefully yanking my hair towards him. I winced as he pulled my hair, aching with pain, while he gestured for me to be silent with a finger pressed against his lips.

"Listen, Kitty, let's make this simple and put an end to it, alright?" he began, his voice seething with anger. "You've always meddled in my affairs, despite my warnings not to interfere. And look what you've done to me! I got suspended from school, and that nerdy Kim had the audacity to strike me in the face. Can you believe it? It's all because of you! You've been supporting him all along. I never wanted to come after you, but you've made it worse, and now it's time for you to pay."

Finishing his tirade, he stood up and mercilessly kicked me in the stomach, not once but twice. I let out a piercing cry of pain as the blows landed on my lower abdomen.

Before I could even cry out for help, he seized me by the shoulders, forcefully slamming me against the wall of the boys' restroom. Hovering near my ear, he whispered, "Let the trouble begin."

With no warning, he struck me hard in the nose, causing excruciating pain. I struggled to regain my senses, but as soon as I focused on him, he tightened his grip around my neck, cutting off my air supply. I gasped for breath, my vision fading as white spots danced before my eyes.

Desperate to stop him, I attempted to reach out, but his strength was overwhelming. My cries for help were stifled as his hand covered my mouth, my tears streaming down, making his hand moist with my despair.

Unable to breathe any longer, the pressure on my neck intensified with every passing second. He finally released his grip on my mouth, and I gasped for air, relief washing over me momentarily. But it was far from over.

From his pocket, he withdrew something chilling—a blade. Fear consumed me as I realized the horror that awaited. The blade hovered dangerously close to my throat, mere inches away from ending my life in a swift, sorrowful stroke.

"No, please! Seojun, please spare me!" I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation.

Bringing the blade nearer to my neck, my pleas for mercy continued, but fell on deaf ears. The blade's chilling presence instilled a deep sense of dread within me, and I stood there, frozen in fear, praying fervently for forgiveness, my sins laid bare before me.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he was struck by something, losing his balance and stepping back. The grip around my neck was released, allowing me to breathe once more. As I glanced up, a glimmer of hope flickered within me.

I turned my gaze toward the source of salvation, and there he was—my savior, Taehyung. With tears streaming down my face, I rushed to him, seeking refuge behind his sturdy shoulders. Clutching onto his t-shirt tightly, I refused to let go. But he shrugged off my hands and marched straight towards Seojun.

Before I could intervene, Taehyung unleashed a relentless assault on Seojun, raining blows upon him. Seojun, however, proved to be no pushover as he retaliated, kicking Taehyung and engaging in a fierce brawl. It was a clash of titans, a battlefield right before my eyes. Realizing the situation was spiraling out of control, I cried out for help, my voice echoing through the air.

After what felt like an eternity, a crowd gathered, finally putting an end to the chaos. The other boys managed to separate Seojun and Taehyung. Meanwhile, Mrs. Nim hurriedly approached the scene, her eyes filled with anger and disappointment.

THE UNKNOWN STALKER [KTH FF] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin