The proposal

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1 1/2 months before the final exam

Taehyung POV:

"Finally, the day has arrived when I decide to make my move!" V exclaims.

"Well, I can no longer suppress my feelings. It's now or never, especially since we'll be graduating soon and everyone will be too busy for anything. I didn't want to postpone my proposal to y/n," I explain.

"I couldn't be happier that, for once, you're doing something I agree with, you idiot," V responds, and I can't help but scoff at him.

"I've known all along that she belongs to me. I just couldn't act because of you," he confesses.

"Well, things usually turn out better when I handle them my way. You're too cautious, and nothing good comes from that," I retort while working on my laptop.

2 hours later:

Y/n POV:

"Singing 'Let's kill this love... yeah yeah Yeah Ahhhh!'" I scream, lost in my own world, when suddenly my phone rings. Without looking at the name, I know it's him.

"Hola!" I answer the call, busy painting my nails.

"Hi there, butterface. Alright, this time I'm giving you an hour to get ready. I'll be there to pick you up, and we're going somewhere special and expensive. So, wear something pretty. Alright, see ya. Bye!" Taehyung says, abruptly hanging up, leaving me staring at my phone.

"Wait, did he just... Did he really say I have an hour to get ready because he's taking me somewhere expensive? AHHHH!" I squeal and jump off my bed, rushing to my closet. I pick out the most stunning dress I can find and hurry into the shower.

"Wow, getting ready in an hour for a special occasion was quite a task," I mutter, touching up my makeup and putting on the final touches of my jewelry. Satisfied with my appearance, I glance at the mirror.

I'm wearing an elegant dark green silk dress that hugs my body, featuring a long slit running down my left thigh and a deep backless design. Completing the look are my silver pencil heels, a white clutch, long white earrings, and simple yet flattering makeup.

Checking my wristwatch, I realize that nearly an hour has passed. I make my way downstairs, finding my mom setting the table for dinner.

"Are you going somewhere, y/n, at this hour?" she asks, eyeing me from head to toe.

"Yes, Mom. Taehyung is taking me somewhere, although I'm not sure where yet," I reply, fiddling with my clutch.

"Oh, you're with Taehyung? That's good. Go ahead, go wherever you want, haha," she remarks, picking up my plate and putting it away. I give her a puzzled smile as I head out.

Exiting the gate, I see Taehyung waiting for me. He's dressed in the most exquisite manner I've ever seen, donning a stylish Kiton-K suit, paired with expensive Louis Vuitton shoes and a Gucci watch. Standing in front of his Porsche, his eyes roam over my entire attire before locking with mine, accompanied by a warm smile.

"You look absolutely stunning, y/n, just as I imagined," he compliments, taking my hand in his.

"Thank you. You clean up pretty well too. I mean, damn, I've never seen you in a suit before. Is today something special? Did you perhaps secure a major deal with Mr. Choi? Or is it a grand celebration for your accomplishments over the years? Oh, oh, is it Mr. Kim's birthday?" I excitedly speculate.

"Shhh," he hushes me, placing a finger on my lips. Leaning closer, his warm breath tickles my neck, giving me a sense of déjà vu. He whispers, "Today is none of those occasions, y/n, but it's even more special than any of them... I hope you'll like it." He pulls back, opening the car door for me, gesturing for me to step inside. With a slight hesitation, I oblige and settle into the seat as he takes his place beside me.

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