emotions 💟

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Taehyung POV-

I sat in the hospital cafeteria, observing Jungkook and her. I had to return to the room momentarily, realizing I forgot my wallet. There, before my eyes, I witnessed their moment. Sure, they were friends and could be together however they pleased, but it pained me to see it. Without interrupting them, I discreetly knocked on the door three times. Jungkook opened it, and I swiftly retrieved my wallet before leaving.

Now I sat with a sandwich and juice in front of me, my gaze shifting between the mother and son duo nearby. They arrived after me, the son confined to a wheelchair. The mother lovingly fed him home-cooked food. They appeared serene and harmonious, but I couldn't fathom the struggles the son endured to be in this hospital, or the anguish the mother felt witnessing her child's condition.

It struck me that both of them were adept at concealing their emotions. The mother hid her pain behind a smile, and the son through his actions. It reminded me that we often shield our loved ones from our own emotional burdens, fearing their distress.

Watching them triggered a flood of memories. I couldn't deny missing my mother every second, every breath. She was the sole person who genuinely cared for me, but she departed too soon, leaving me to navigate this cruel world and my sick father.

The word "dad" made me nauseous. He never fulfilled the role of a father or a good husband. Money and success were his sole desires, achieved through illicit means. He neglected me and Mom. When she left, he turned his wrath and anger towards her, and after she was gone, I became his target. He knew my dark secret, and he exploited it to manipulate me into doing terrible things.

My life was always incomplete, perpetually missing a vital piece. Whenever I managed to find it, I inevitably lost it, just like I lost Mom and Hyun-wu.

"Taehyung!" A hand rested on my shoulder, and I heard her voice.

I turned around to see her standing there.

"Y/n, what are you doing here? You should be resting," I exclaimed, concerned for her well-being.

"Ah, it's nothing. Jungkook had to take a call, and when I woke up, he mentioned you were in the cafeteria. I came to find you and grab something to eat. I haven't had anything for the past 10 hours, and I'm starving," she replied with a slight grin.

"Oh, no! You can't eat the food from here. It's not good for you," I exclaimed, worried about her health.

"Well, Mr. Taehyung, it's 2 am in the morning, and no restaurants are open. I'm not at home, so you can't cook for me. I'm really hungry and can't think of any other options right now. I'll eat something from here. Just go and get me something," she asserted, joining me on the chair.

"Hmm, okay, I'll go get something for you," I agreed and headed towards the cafe to place her order.

Y/n's POV:

As Taehyung left to place an order for me, my gaze settled on a lovely mother and son duo in front of us. The mother was feeding her son, who sat in a wheelchair. It saddened me to see such a young child going through something that confined him to the chair. Lost in my thoughts, Taehyung returned and sat beside me, placing a tray of food in front of me.

Glancing at him, I noticed he had a peculiar expression in his eyes as he looked at the mother and son. His lips curved into a smile, but there was an underlying pain. Sometimes, I struggle to understand Taehyung. He carries so much within him, yet he hesitates to confide in me. I wish he would rely on me more because I can't bear to see him in pain.

"They look cute and peaceful together, right?" he asked me.

"Yeah, they do," I replied, and as I observed Taehyung, I couldn't help but sense the complexity within him. He had so much going on beneath the surface, and yet he kept it hidden. I'm always here for him, but there's a barrier that prevents him from fully opening up to me. I wish he would trust me completely, as I can't bear to witness him suffering.

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