The pain is unbearable!

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Taehyung's POV-

The morning sun pierced through my windows, jolting me awake from an uncomfortable position on the floor. "Ouch, how did I manage to sleep like this? My neck is killing me," I muttered, rubbing the sore spot. But then it hit me. The events of yesterday flooded back, and I sank back onto my bed, consumed by sorrow.

I picked up my phone from the floor and checked the time. It was barely 7 in the morning when the doorbell rang, sending me into a panic. What if it was the police? What if they found out everything and came to arrest me? What if it was Y/N, seeking answers for what I had done? Setting aside my racing thoughts, I approached the door, cautiously peering through the peephole.

To my surprise, Soojin stood outside, looking utterly devastated. Her face mirrored the aftermath of the Titanic sinking. I opened the door, and she glanced up at me, tears streaming down her face. "Tae-Tae, I... Jun-Jungkook, we... Come with me, please. Hold yourself together in front of Y/N, for her sake," she managed to say between sobs. I stared at her, my mind blank, unsure of what to do. I knew what I had caused and what was coming next.

Grabbing my phone and room card, I stepped out of my room, with Soojin trailing behind me. We entered the elevator, my tension building, bracing myself for something I didn't want to witness—Y/N in a condition brought about by my actions.

As the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, Soojin and I stepped out, and everything felt lifeless. The atmosphere outside was heavy with an unspoken sadness.

At the entrance, the hotel manager conversed with the police. Near the dining area, medical personnel—nurses and doctors—surrounded a long white stretcher, covered by a sheet. I knew what lay beneath it, a life extinguished. My gaze shifted to the person sitting lifelessly on the floor, Jisyoung holding her shoulders, tears streaming down her own face. Felix stood nearby, his expression devoid of any emotion, as if he had forgotten how to breathe.

Soojin tugged on my arm, and reluctantly, I moved towards them, not prepared for what awaited me—Y/N, broken and shattered before my eyes.

As I approached, Jisyoung looked up, her gaze pleading. "Y/N, see, Tae-Taehyung is here now. Please, you can't stay like this. It's hard, I know, but please, stay strong. Get up," she implored, shaking Y/N gently.

"Taehyung, come here. Tell her everything will be alright. Jun-Jungkook is here with us, and he always will be," Jisyoung said, gripping my hands and guiding me to sit beside Y/N on the floor.

But when I looked at her, she wasn't the Y/N I knew. She seemed lost, with red, swollen eyes and unceasing tears streaming down her cheeks. She didn't react, as if she were physically present but emotionally absent.

"Y/N," I said, placing my hand on her trembling shoulders.

"Y/N, look at me," I pleaded, taking hold of her hands that lay on her thighs. They were cold.

"I said, look at me, Y/N. It's me, Taehyung. Please, acknowledge me," I urged her, willing her to see me through the blur of tears.

After my third plea, she slowly turned her head and looked at me, her eyes blinking away the relentless tears.

"Taehyung," she whispered, her voice filled with pain and confusion.

"Yes, sweetheart, it's me. Please, get up. I know this is unimaginably difficult. None of us expected any of this, but we have to remain strong. I'm so sorry, I—" I trailed off, my words choking in my throat. I couldn't bear to meet her gaze, those innocent eyes that held questions—how, why, what, when? Questions that I, the monster within, had brought upon her. And I couldn't do anything to make it better. I was powerless to make anything right.

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