I wish i could protect you!

192 17 0


Trigger warning- mention of murder and blood...


I witnessed the lifeless form of
y/n collapsing before me, and it ignited a blazing fury within me.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. Finally, Master Taehyung, son of the esteemed Kim family. I went through great lengths to bring you before my master, even resorting to harming this poor girl. She had no clue why we targeted her for the past hour. Isn't she precious to you?" The man sneered.

"I needn't prove myself to you, old relic. Because you see, everything that transpires tonight will remain a secret between you and me!" I respond back with a Slytherin look on my face

The old man's face twisted with confusion, unable to comprehend my words.

"Save your breath. You won't get to me until you defeat all these men, far more skilled and vigilant than you. You're no match for them, kid. Give up now, and we'll take you to our master without further pain or injury."

"Say no more!"

With those words, I lunged at the guards shielding the old relic. Snatching a metal rod from a nearby trash can, I savagely bashed their heads, spattering brains as a reminder of who they dared to cross.

I landed a powerful blow on the man charging towards me, crushing his face with the rod. A swift kick followed, dispatching the next one. Gripping the hair of another assailant, I slammed his head against the nearby wall, finishing him off with a forceful kick to the stomach. One punch after another, blood streaming from broken noses.

The others proved easy prey, falling before my onslaught of kicks, punches, and the unforgiving rod. The alley now bore witness to a landscape of unconscious, bloodied bodies.

As I surveyed my surroundings, my gaze settled upon the old relic, fear evident in his eyes. It amused me.

"What were you saying, huh? Shall we continue playing or make it easier for you?"

He stepped back, then turned and fled from me. Ah, this man still clung to the illusion of escaping me, of evading his own demise.

I took three purposeful strides and seized him by the collar, effortlessly. I forced him to face me.

"Ah, now I see it. Just as what I glimpsed in y/n's eyes, do you know what I see now?"

He shook his head, denying it.

"I see fear."

The words escaped my lips as I plunged my pocket knife into his heart. He stood there, wide-eyed, motionless. Blood dripped from his mouth. With a final push of the blade, he fell to his knees and collapsed, life extinguished. Without wasting a moment, I picked up my rod and repeatedly struck his head until blood painted the surroundings. His end had come.

I discarded the rod and turned my attention to y/n amidst the lifeless bodies. She lay unconscious on the ground. I sprinted towards her, gathering her delicate form into my arms. Cradling her head on my lap, I checked her pulse, securing her legs within my grasp. Holding her close to my chest, I carried her away from the scene, like a bride in my arms, out of that wretched alley.

At the hospital -

Soojin POV-

As soon as I received Jungkook's call about y/n being admitted to the hospital, I rushed there. The last time I saw her was at the bustling shopping center, and then she disappeared. I assumed she had wandered off to explore something else, never imagining that she had been abducted and subjected to such brutal harm that she had lost consciousness.

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