Just hold onto me tight

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Taehyung's POV-

Standing beneath the sheltering embrace of the tree, an unexpected sensation enveloped me—a tight and foreign hug from behind. Initially, anger surged within me, questioning how someone could dare to embrace me without permission. Yet, an overwhelming force immobilized my body, rendering me frozen. Despite my confusion, a gentle warmth coursed through me, accompanied by the lingering sensation of a long-lost hug, a distant memory from years past.

In that fleeting moment, I wished for time to halt its relentless march, allowing me to remain in that comforting embrace forever. However, realization struck me like a bolt of lightning—it was y/n who had embraced me. Gradually, I managed to disentangle myself from her grasp, our connection reluctantly severed.

Y/n POV-

I watched in disbelief as Taehyung barely reacted to my hug, swiftly removing my hands from his frame. His eyes locked onto mine, intense and unwavering, as he spoke with a mix of urgency and sorrow.

"Y/n, please understand. I can't bear to witness your pain or see anyone hurting you. I've already lost everything and everyone dear to me. I know you care about me, and as a human being, I can't bear to see you suffer because of my presence. Today, when Seojun hurt you, it only reaffirmed my fears. I can't predict what dangers may come your way because of me. Please, for your own safety, stay away from me. Don't cross my path."

His words resonated deeply within me, revealing a vulnerability he had long kept hidden. As tears streamed down his face, he collapsed onto his knees, overcome with the weight of his emotions. I couldn't bear to witness him in such anguish, so I instinctively knelt down, bringing myself to his eye level, and embraced him tightly.

I may not fully comprehend the depths of his struggle, but I knew one thing for certain—I would never abandon him as a friend. I vowed to stand by his side, offering solace and support in whatever way I could.

As my arms enveloped Taehyung in a comforting embrace, I could feel his tears against my chest. The weight of his emotions was palpable, and I held him tightly, offering solace in his moment of vulnerability. We remained locked in that position for a while, finding solace in each other's presence.

Later on, after school had ended and the corridors emptied, Taehyung and I found ourselves serving detention for the events of the day. It seemed absurd to be punished further for the chaos that had unfolded. Sitting in the library, an uncomfortable silence settled between us, stifling any attempt at conversation. I wanted to break the tension, but the unease lingered, stemming from the intensity of our interaction earlier.

Frustration engulfed me as I struggled with a particularly stubborn math problem, my patience wearing thin. Unable to contain my exasperation, I let out an unintentional scream of frustration. The sound caught Taehyung's attention, his gaze shifting towards me. We sat across from each other, and I mustered a sheepish smile.

Curiosity sparked in him as he approached and glanced at the question I had been wrestling with. Without hesitation, he began to explain, his voice gentle and patient. I listened intently, absorbing his knowledge and guidance. Within five minutes, the equation that had seemed insurmountable finally made sense to me. I was amazed by his expertise, realizing that Taehyung was indeed a top-notch student

2 hours later-

After the two-hour detention ended, I reached out to my manager, hoping for a ride back home. However, each call went unanswered, and my frustration grew. Eventually, he picked up, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"Hey, I'm done for today. Can you come and pick me up?" I asked, anticipating his usual affirmative response.

But instead, his voice quivered with sadness. "Um, I'm really sorry, miss. I can't pick you up today. Someone in my family passed away, and I need to rush for the funeral. Please, don't tell your dad about this. Can you please take public transportation or walk home? It's not too far. Please understand my situation. Thank you, take care. Bye."

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