Life goes onn...

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Two weeks later,

Y/n pov-

I stepped out of the house, bidding my mom goodbye before getting into the car with my driver. Today was the long-awaited day when our school would reopen. It felt like I was returning to school after an eternity. I couldn't help but wonder how everyone else was feeling. Were they as nervous as I was? Thankfully, Taehyung helped me overcome that phase quickly. If it weren't for him, I don't know how I would have managed.

Letting out a sigh, I glanced at my phone. Over the past few weeks, I had numerous conversations with Jisyoung, Soojin, Felix, Namjoon, and their whole group. We stuck together throughout this time, supporting and comforting each other.

At school, I climbed the stairs, my heart heavy with the absence of that familiar face I used to see every day. Suddenly, a hand brushed past my shoulder, and I turned around to find Jisyoung and Soojin standing there together.

"Hey there, pretty girl! What are you up to?" Jisyoung greeted me with a grin, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful demeanor.

"Yo! Your girl is doing just fine. How about both of you?" I replied, exchanging glances between them.

"I'm as good as can be," Soojin said, flicking my forehead.

"Oh, come on! What's with all the forehead flicking all the time?" I whined, rubbing the spot where she flicked me.

"Forget about that. Let's go to class. We don't want to be late for our first lecture after all these days," Soojin said, running ahead. Jisyoung and I followed suit, rushing towards our respective classes.

As I opened the classroom door, I spotted Taehyung, Felix, and Namjoon engaged in conversation. Wait a minute—they were all together, talking with Taehyung! That was something new and different. I waved at them, and they smiled back at me.

"Hey, guys! How are you all doing?" I asked, setting my bag down and taking a seat. Taehyung looked at me and smiled warmly.

"We're good, Y/n. And how about you?" Namjoon replied, while Felix seemed completely engrossed in Jisyoung at that moment.

"I'm doing great. It feels good to be back here," I said, glancing around the class as other students focused on their work.

Namjoon nodded in agreement and gazed out of the window at the bright sky, hugging his sweater tightly against the cooling weather. It was almost winter now—November definitely counted as winter, right?

Mrs. Nim entered the classroom, and we all settled back into our seats. She approached her desk, placing her belongings down, and then turned her attention towards us.

"Welcome back, my young ones," Mrs. Nim began, addressing us solemnly. "Without delving too deep into it, we all know why the school granted you these two weeks of holiday. It was in response to the tragic loss of our dear student, Jeon Jungkook, during the school trip to Tokyo. The investigation has concluded, confirming that he took his own life due to personal issues. Let us remain strong, keeping him in our prayers and memories as we strive to return to our normal lives starting today."

We nodded silently, carrying the weight of grief deep within our hearts.

"I'll let you have this lecture free, but subsequent teachers will resume their lessons. Feel free to do as you please," she announced before leaving the class to us. The other students started whispering and conversing amongst themselves.

I turned to Taehyung, who seemed lost in his thoughts, staring at the floor. I gently shook his shoulder, but he didn't react. Calling out his name, he finally looked up at me.

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