You belong to me!

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Soojin POV:

I feel so strange today, especially since the day y/n was abducted. My perspective on things has shifted. Why do I see y/n, that nerd, in a different light? The memories of that night are still vivid in my mind. I saw him near Hyun-wu for the last time. He was the one who sent me those letters every night at 3 pm. How can I forget all of that? Hyun-wu's presence is still strong within me and my memories. He was my first love. But Taehyung, the guy who's with y/n now, is someone I can trust when it comes to her. He's different, and I can't figure out how or why. Argh! I grab my hair in frustration and sit up on my bed.

I glance out of the large window in my room and take a few sips from my water bottle.

"Ah, I shouldn't overthink this. I should just sleep. We have another day ahead of us with plenty of activities to do." I lie back down on my bed and close my eyes, trying to find sleep.

Taehyung POV:

"Arrgh!" I scream and quickly sit up in bed, clutching my hair.

"Why was Jungkook leaving y/n's room? Is there something going on between them? Why hasn't y/n told me anything? Is she happier with him, and that's why she's keeping it a secret? They even act as if something is happening between them!"

"But wait... If y/n allowed him into her room, why did it seem like he was sneaking out, and she wasn't at the door seeing him off like she did in the morning?"

Oh, right. Jungkook mistook me for someone spying on them, but I wasn't. I was just outside her room this morning, making sure she was feeling well. Jungkook came over and gave her medicine, and then I discreetly overheard their conversation. That's when Jungkook caught a glimpse of someone other than them, and he thought it was me.

So, it's unlikely that y/n wouldn't see him off properly.

"Damn, wait... Does this mean what I think it does? Is Jungkook up to something? I remember him talking to the receptionist the other day, but I didn't realize he was asking for y/n's room keys. I knew he had feelings for her, but..."

"I think I know where this is headed, Taehyung. It's not good. I won't let it happen. I have to protect and defend her."

"Who are you even talking to, V? Just shut up already. She doesn't belong to anyone. Let me sleep. I'll think about this later. Goodnight."

Next morning -

Y/n POV:

"Awwwhhh," I yawn and rise from my bed even before my alarm could go off. I have a habit of waking up early.

I walk over to my suitcase and pick out today's outfit: white shorts, a lilac-colored tee, and my Jordans.

Heading to the bathroom, I freshen up and take a quick shower before making my way to the hotel lobby for the announcement of today's activities.

After 40 minutes:

I'm currently at the lobby with Soojin and Jisyoung by my side, waiting for the others to arrive. Just then, I spot Felix and Jungkook coming together. I smile at them. They must be really close friends, always looking out for each other. Now, only one person is missing... and there he is, rushing from the elevator. "Why is this boy always late?" I murmur to myself.

"Ah, hey, good morning, y/n." Taehyung says beeming with a bright smile

"Yeah, such a good morning! You're literally 15 minutes late," I reply with an annoyed look.

He scratches the back of his head and apologizes, "Ahh, I'm sorry. I couldn't wake up on time."

Before I can respond, an announcement is made by the hotel staff through the speakers.

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