Is he alright?🌸

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The unknown stalker part 2

Y/n POV-

It has been a week since I joined this school, and everything seems to be going smoothly, except for one persistent concern that weighs heavily on my mind: my partner, Kim Taehyung. His peculiar personality sets him apart, and I don't say this lightly.

In the beginning, I made efforts to interact with him, hoping to establish some form of connection. However, he never once acknowledged my presence, refusing to even exchange a simple greeting.

It felt uncomfortable sitting beside him, not knowing anything about him. There were instances during break time when I attempted to offer him some of my food, but he would simply walk away, disregarding any attempts at eye contact.

Speaking of my group, the "Deadly Daisies," the girls actively discouraged me from engaging with Taehyung. They would divert my attention, steering me away from him. It seemed they held a collective aversion towards him, and it saddened me to see him isolated, with no one in the entire class reaching out to him. I couldn't help but feel empathy for him, prompting me to ignore the advice of my friends and make my own decisions.

However, it was on the fourth day of school that a distressing incident unfolded before my eyes. As I approached the school gate, preparing for another day of classes, I witnessed a group of boys bullying Taehyung. They callously threw his belongings to the ground and drenched him with water from his own bottle. A wave of anger surged within me, urging me to intervene and put an end to their cruel actions. Yet, my best friend, Kim Soo-jin, swiftly intervened, pulling me away and advising me to steer clear of such matters.

Speaking of Soo-jin, she became my friend on the very first day of school. Despite being in a different section, we quickly formed a close bond, cherishing the moments we shared during breaks and sports sessions. However, there was something about Soo-jin that left me disheartened. She possessed an intense, almost fervent, dislike for Taehyung. It was as if she reveled in his misery and took pleasure in his suffering. I couldn't understand why she harbored such animosity towards him.

Attempts to understand her reasons proved futile, as she would merely brush off my inquiries, claiming that everyone hated him, including herself. Yet, the hatred I observed in Soo-jin's eyes differed from the rest. There was a darkness, an intensity, that seemed capable of inflicting harm. She despised any interactions between Taehyung and me, displaying an unmistakable aversion.

Returning to the events of the fourth day, --

I found myself seated in the classroom after Soo-jin had urged me to refrain from intervening in Taehyung's distress. Suddenly, he appeared, entering the room with his uniform soaked in water and dirt. It was as though someone had intentionally thrown him into a muddy puddle or he had stumbled and fallen. The disdainful gazes of our classmates bore into him as he kept his head lowered, making his way to his seat, which happened to be beside mine.

A surge of empathy washed over me, compelling me to extend a helping hand. I offered him my handkerchief, hoping it would provide some solace, but to my surprise, he simply took it and discarded it on the floor. Although a twinge of irritation welled within me, I resisted the urge to react. Instead, I attempted to grasp the complexity of his situation, retrieving the handkerchief and quietly resuming my place.

Just as the atmosphere settled, our teacher, Mrs. Nim, entered the classroom. Her discerning eyes immediately caught sight of Taehyung's disheveled appearance, prompting her to address him in a stern tone. She questioned his lack of cleanliness, insinuating that he had neglected to wash his clothes or had been involved in a confrontation. Instructing him to clean up his messy state in the washroom, she made it clear that she would not tolerate his presence in her class until he had done so.

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