Unexpected connections.

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Y/n pov-

Is this really how it turned out? Two little kids running wild? Dealing with one was already a handful, but now there's a second one causing chaos. One is making me lose my cool, and the other is making me want to scream and pull my hair out. They've been playing and running around for what feels like forever, and I've been trying to keep them in check. It's tough, especially when one of them is actually an adult. Who would have thought that bringing Jung Hoseok to help with Nari would turn into such a mess?

Initially, Nari appeared timid in Hoseok's presence. He maintained a light conversation with me. However, with the passage of time, they became co-conspirators, running amok through the house, locked in a fierce plushie dispute. "Really, Hoseok, you're fighting a toddler for a plushie as if your entire room next door isn't overflowing with all sorts of them!" I exhaled in exasperation, murmuring to myself.

I watch them now, both fatigued and gasping for breath. Nari sits opposite Hoseok, sipping from her sippy cup, while he gazes at her with a subtle, affectionate smile playing on his lips. Rising from the floor, he strides to the refrigerator, retrieves a water bottle, and empties it in one long gulp. Setting it aside, he sidles over to the couch and suddenly slumps onto my lap, resting his head in my lap. His eyes meet mine from below, a gentle grin spreading across his face. I'm still slightly taken aback when he takes my hand in his and guides it to his hair, signaling me to caress it, which I do without hesitation.

As Hoseok spoke, "She's really adorable. I'm playing with a kid after 10 years, and it feels as refreshing as it felt the first time I played," he shared his thoughts softly. Then, he went silent, lost in his own musings. I couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind. But he was simply gazing at Nari, smiling innocently as she fiercely played with the plushie she had won against him.

I couldn't help but smile at her too. She truly was a bundle of joy, bringing a exhilarating vibrancy to the room. My mind wandered back to the days when I was married to Taehyung, and how we dreamt of having children and building a happy family. It felt like I had been daydreaming with my eyes open until reality came crashing down around me.

All of a sudden, the silence was broken by Nari's voice. "Miss Y/n, Uncle Hobi, I'm hungry!" she declared, pointing at her stomach to emphasize her hunger. I looked at Hoseok, and he met my gaze as we both broke into smiles. He got up and made his way to the kitchen, preparing a delicious meal for the three of us.
The atmosphere in the kitchen was light and refreshing as we engaged in light-hearted conversations and playful interactions. Hoseok playfully applied a bit of ketchup to Nari's nose, making her giggle and she smeared it back on his face. She was still in his arms as he stirred a pot of japchae.

Then, Nari turned her attention to me, saying, "Miss Y/n doesn't have sauce on her face like Uncle Hobi and i. Why should she be spared?" She had a slight pout to her expression. Hoseok gently lowered her to the ground and agreed, "You're right, little one. Why should she be left out?"

Nari nodded with a big smile. Hoseok lowered the stove's heat and took a bit of ketchup on his fingers, approaching me slowly. I instinctively stepped back to avoid it, but my retreat led me to the bookshelf, and there was no escape. As I looked forward, Hoseok was now just ten inches away. He gazed at me intensely, a sensation I couldn't quite place stirring within me.

Our proximity grew closer, and I could feel his warm breath on my face. I tried to divert my gaze, but he gently used his finger to guide me to look directly at him. He whispered, "You're so done now," as he firmly held both my hands in place and pulled me closer. He proceeded to rub the sauce on my face, and I could only muffle my protests against his hand. Helplessly, I watched as he withdrew, leaving me trapped in a concoction of emotions. With a huff of annoyance, I headed toward the washroom to wash it all off.

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