we can make it right🍁

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Taehyung's POV-

I stood frozen, unable to comprehend the situation unfolding before me.


"Yes, go now. Hurry up. I'm already bleeding profusely, so I can't assist you," he urged, his voice strained.

"Go, Taehyung. Just go."

With a forceful push, he propelled me forward, thrusting me into the midst of a confrontation with trained individuals. How could I possibly fight against them?

As I approached my adversaries, a sharp blow struck my back, sending a wave of pain through me. I turned to find one of them smirking, wielding a wooden stick. Gathering my resolve, I evaded his next attack and seized the stick, delivering a swift kick to his abdomen, causing him to crumple to the ground.

As I approached the fallen assailant, I struck him mercilessly with the stick. Glancing around, I realized I was surrounded by others, armed with knives and various weapons. All I had was a stick, so my best option was to evade rather than engage. Two men closed in on me, delivering powerful blows to my stomach, causing me to collapse. But through sheer instinct, I retaliated, incapacitating them with a well-placed strike.

I clutched the stick and braced myself as the remaining assailants closed in on me. Despite utilizing the limited Taekwondo training I possessed, it proved insufficient. Lying on the ground, gasping for breath, I noticed a knife within reach. Seizing the opportunity, I grasped it tightly, rising to my feet with a bruised face. Several of the attackers remained, but I remained undeterred.

One by one, they approached, and with precision, I drove the knife into their bodies. Blood stained my hands as I repeatedly stabbed the group leader's abdomen, finally extinguishing the spark of life within him. Exhausted, I cast his lifeless body aside, sending it plummeting from the top floor of the building.

Suddenly, my manager's voice pierced through the haze of battle.

"Taehyung-ahh, gwenchana?"

"Yes, I'm okay. Are they all dead?" I asked, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, you killed them all. I'm proud of you. You walk in the footsteps of your father. He would be so proud to hear how you eliminated each one of them," my manager replied.

Those words jolted me back to reality. I surveyed the lifeless bodies surrounding me, a devastating realization washing over me.

What had I done? How could I have mercilessly slaughtered nearly twenty-five individuals? I had become the monster my father always warned me about. But in the depths of my being, an unsettling satisfaction lurked.

"No, no, shut up! I can't accept this. I've taken lives. What will I tell my mother? She'll hate me," I whispered, tormented by my own thoughts.

"Hate you for defending yourself? No, Taehyung. This is exhilarating. Look at them, lying helpless and dead," an unsettling voice within me retorted.

"No, just shut up, V. This isn't right," I pleaded silently, trying to silence the darker part

"Are you alright, Taehyung?" My manager's concerned voice snapped me back to reality, shaking me violently.

"Oh, yeah, I'm... Actually, I'll head home now. I have severe bruises that need tending, and I need to focus on my upcoming exams. Manager, I'll see you later... And please, don't contact me for a week. I can't handle any conversations right now. Take care," I mumbled, desperate to escape the turmoil within.

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