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The unknown stalker part 1

Taehyung's POV -

I sat in my usual spot in the back corner of the classroom, my heart pounding as the final bell approached. The moment I had been dreading was drawing near. Seojun, the senior who relished in making my life a living nightmare, had assigned me his latest homework with a cruel smile.

As the last stragglers made their way out of the classroom, Seojun sauntered over to my desk. His presence alone sent a shiver down my spine, a tangible reminder of the power he held over me.

"Taehyung, did you finish the homework I gave you yesterday?" he sneered, his voice laced with superiority.

I swallowed hard, my mind racing for an escape route. I knew that submitting half-hearted work would only lead to more torment, but I also knew that failing to meet Seojun's demands would invite even greater suffering.

"Um... not yet," I stammered, avoiding eye contact as I fumbled with my pen.

Seojun's icy gaze bore into me, his lips curling into a wicked smile. "Well, Taehyung, I'm feeling generous today. You have until the end of school to complete it. If you fail me, you can expect the consequences."

My heart sank at his words. I knew all too well what those consequences would entail – humiliation, ridicule, and perhaps even physical harm. Yet, despite the fear that coursed through my veins, a flicker of defiance ignited within me.

Nodding meekly, I mustered the courage to meet Seojun's gaze. "I'll have it ready by the end of the day," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of determination.

Seojun smirked, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight. "See that you do, Taehyung. I expect nothing but perfection."

I slumped in my seat, the weight of frustration pressing heavily on my shoulders. Seojun's torment had left me feeling isolated and rejected, and the last thing I needed was another disruption in my life. As Mrs. Nim entered the classroom, her cheerful demeanor contrasting sharply with my darkened mood, I braced myself for what was to come.

The room buzzed with anticipation as Mrs. Nim announced the arrival of a new student, Lee Y/N, transferring all the way from America. The class erupted in whispers, their curiosity piqued by the presence of someone so different, someone who didn't quite fit into the familiar mold of our school.

While my classmates eagerly craned their necks to catch a glimpse of Y/N, I kept my gaze fixed on my worn-out textbooks, determined to block out the distractions. I had grown accustomed to being invisible, and I preferred it that way. Y/N might have been able to capture everyone else's attention, but I vowed to remain unaffected.

As Y/N stepped into the classroom, I couldn't help but notice the collective gasp that rippled through the room. I resisted the urge to look up, to allow myself even a momentary glance at the new arrival. What did it matter anyway? Beauty and popularity were never meant for someone like me, an outcast condemned to the fringes of social acceptance.

Mrs. Nim guided Y/N to the vacant seat beside mine, her voice filled with warmth as she encouraged Y/N to introduce herself to the class. I groaned mentally, a wave of frustration washing over me. Of all the seats available, why did Y/N have to be assigned to sit next to me? It felt like a cruel twist of fate, a reminder of my isolation in a world filled with people who seemed to effortlessly belong.

Y/N began speaking, introducing herself to the class with confidence and grace. I kept my eyes fixed on my desk, my mind preoccupied with a mix of annoyance and resignation. Her presence seemed to permeate the air around me, an intrusion into my carefully crafted fortress of solitude.

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