Hope is all that we have

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Y/n POV-

Standing before the door, I glanced back at my friends who wore sad smiles. Taehyung gestured a smiling hand near his face, while Felix struck a fighting pose. Turning my attention back to the door, I knocked thrice, and a police officer opened it, allowing me inside.

"Miss Y/n, please have a seat," said Chief Commissioner.

"I'm Chief Commissioner Sou Taichi of the Shinjuku Police Station. We didn't have a proper introduction earlier. Would you like something to drink?"

"No, thank you, sir. Let's proceed," I replied.

"Alright. Please provide us with all the details. Start with how you know Mr. Won, and what conversation you had with him before the incident. Briefly explain your relationship with him."

"Well, we hardly knew each other. We had only met a few times in the hotel elevator or lobby. Yesterday, we had a 15-minute conversation where we talked about our lives, nothing significant. Later, we danced together at the party. We were both a bit drunk, and I can't recall the exact conversation he had with a waiter. Chul said he would be back in a few minutes, and that was the last time I saw him. After that, he didn't return to the party, and one of my friends escorted me to my room as I was tipsy."

"I see. It appears you and Mr. Won didn't share a close bond. Well, that's all for now, Miss Y/n. Thank you for cooperating. If we need further assistance, we'll contact you. Have a good day, Miss Y/n. See you around."

I stood up, bowed to the officer, and made my way to the door. As one of the men opened it for me, I stepped outside.

My friends, anxiously waiting for me, stood up. Felix asked, "Hey, Y/n, how was everything in there? Are you okay?"

Looking up at them, I mustered a sweet smile, and they collectively released a sigh of relief. They rushed towards me, engulfing me in a tight group hug. Overwhelmed, I basked in their embrace.

"Oh my god, Y/n, we're so glad you're okay," Soojin exclaimed.

"Yeah, you have no idea how worried I was while you were inside," Jungkook said, feigning sniffles and earning a playful punch from Jisyoung. I chuckled as they held onto me.

After they released me, I scanned the area, noticing that Taehyung was absent. I looked ahead and found him standing there, wearing his signature boxy smile. Since no one had included him in the group hug, I walked over to him, and he opened his arms. I embraced him tightly, and he playfully lifted me off the ground.

After an hour...

"Ugh, my headache is getting worse," Jisyoung complained, sounding like a little girl.

"Oh, come on, you dummy. Couldn't you have taken a hangover pill last night?" Jungkook retorted.

"Ah, I did think about it, but I didn't have any pills. I think I'll die from this pain now," Jisyoung moaned.

"Don't worry, I have some. Come to my room after this, and I'll give you the pills," Soojin offered, patting Jisyoung's head.

"Hey, dude, you know I'm still in my pajamas. Why don't one or two of you come to my room and help me decide what to wear?" Felix suggested.

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