Past beholds

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Two weeks before the final exam-

Y/n pov-

my world feels heavy, suffocating even. Ever since the incident with Taehyung, silence has become my shield against the anger that simmers between us. Happiness has slipped through my fingers, and I find myself unable to fight for anything anymore.

But today is Saturday, a weekend filled with possibilities. It's Namjoon's underground rap battle, a chance for us to forget our troubles and cheer on our friend.

"We need to get ready and look fabulous to support our buddy," I declare.

I choose my outfit carefully, slipping into tight-fitting jeans, a white top tucked in, and a leather jacket. With my hair in a messy bun and subtle makeup, I feel ready to face the day.

As the clock strikes lunchtime, Namjoon informs me that he'll arrive once I've eaten. So, I decide to make some mac and cheese, my go-to comfort food.

In the kitchen, while stirring the pot of mac and cheese, my mom joins me, preparing her usual cup of fresh pomegranate juice. Her unwavering gaze makes me feel uneasy.

"Is something wrong, Mom?" I inquire, turning to face her.

"Oh, no, nothing. I was just thinking that in two weeks, my daughter will graduate," she remarks.

"Yeah, time really flies," I respond.

"Well, y/n, my dear, I hope you remember the promise you made to your uncle and your dad. Fulfilling it is crucial for taking your father's business to new heights. Denying it would mean our downfall."

"I know, Mom. I've been aware of this promise for the past two years, but I still don't know what it entails," I confess.

"You'll find out as soon as you graduate, don't worry."

"Are you going somewhere?" She asks, noticing her proximity to the door.

"Yes, to cheer on Namjoon in his rap battle. Don't worry, I've completed all my studies and revisions," I assure her.

"I didn't ask if you've done your work or not. Sweetie, I don't care how much you study as long as you get me the best grades. Have fun; I just need what I need," she says, giving me a side hug and walking away with her glass.

Halfway to the door, she stops and glances back at me. "Oh, y/n, how is it going with Taehyung? I haven't seen him around or heard you talk about him nonstop like you used to. Is everything okay?"

Her question fills me with tension, unsure of how to respond. I remain silent, hoping she'll understand and leave me be. But I couldn't have been more mistaken.

"Y/n, if you don't have an answer, I don't need one. But remember what I've said before and will say again. I need you to be on good terms with Taehyung. No arguments or disagreements should ruin your relationship. He's the best one out there, and I can't fathom why you'd stay mad or upset with him. Sort it out, whatever it is."

Before I can gather my thoughts and respond, my mom disappears, leaving me in despair. How can she be so venomous when it comes to meeting her own terms? Does her own daughter's feelings and emotions not matter to her? How did Kim Taehyung become more important than her own flesh and blood?

With tears welling up, I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and take a shaky sip. I fill a bowl with mac and cheese, sitting at the dining table, eating slowly while gazing out of the large window, lost in my thoughts.

After 30 minutes, my phone rings.


"Hey, y/n, get out of your door. I'm at the gate. Let's go!" I hear Namjoon's excited voice, and it brings a smile to my face.

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