Whispers in the shadows

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9 1/2 month's since the divorce -

Y/n's pov-

Seated elegantly at the opulent round table surrounded by my high school companions, I marveled at the resplendent grand hall adorned in a captivating palette of white and gold. It felt as though I had transcended to a celestial realm, eagerly awaiting the imminent entrance of the bride.

As the colossal doors swung open with a grace befitting a royal procession, the collective breath of the attendees caught in anticipation. Jisyoung, escorted by her father, emerged as a vision of unparalleled beauty. Draped in a resplendent white gown, the fabric gracefully showcased the delicate contours of her collarbones. A meticulously crafted veil, cascading elegantly, enshrouded her face, adding an air of mystique to her presence. In her hands, she cradled a bouquet of dandelions, a testament to her refined taste and distinctive elegance.

The ambient glow accentuated every detail of this enchanting tableau, casting a soft radiance upon the bride's ethereal countenance. Felix, the groom, could not contain his overwhelming emotions, tears streaming down his face as he beheld his bride's celestial entrance. The entire scene unfolded like a living masterpiece, a testament to the artistry of the meticulously adorned hall and the unparalleled beauty of Jisyoung's arrival, leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts of all witnesses.

This poignant scene triggered a flood of memories from my own wedding night, a mirror image of the present tableau. Taehyung's tearful reaction, with Namjoon providing solace, mirrored Felix's emotional outburst. As I delved into these recollections, I felt a gentle touch on my hand, and turning, I met Jimin's concerned gaze. A subtle raise of his brow prompted me to nod in response, breaking free from the enchanting trance.

Returning my focus to the stage, where Jisyoung stood resplendent, the priest initiated the sacred exchange of vows, setting the stage for a ceremony that resonated with the echoes of my own cherished nuptial memories.

In harmonious unison, the poignant exchange of vows resonated through the air, uniting the souls of both bride and groom in a covenant that transcended this life and extended into eternity. The profound affirmation of "I Do" echoed from the depths of their beings, a sacred pronouncement sealing their fates as life partners. With these simple yet profound words, the priest solemnly declared them as husband and wife, setting the stage for the culmination of their union.

As the divine pronouncement lingered in the air, Felix, brimming with an overwhelming sense of joy, delicately lifted the veil adorning Jisyoung's face. In a gesture reminiscent of timeless romance, he gathered her in his arms, cradling her with effortless grace in a classic bridal stance. The onlookers, including myself, stood in collective astonishment, our eyes wide with admiration and hearts aflutter.

A profound hush fell over the grand hall as Felix, fueled by a passion that seemed to have simmered over the years, pressed his lips tenderly against hers. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, an eloquent expression of a love that had endured trials and triumphs, culminating in this blissful moment. The gasps of the witnessing eyes were met with a sea of hands clapping in joyous applause, tears welling up in our eyes as we celebrated the union of our high school sweethearts. The chaotic beauty of this unexpected yet inevitable reunion left us all in awe, basking in the glow of love's triumphant embrace.

Amidst the lively chatter and laughter, seated with my friends at the table, reminiscing about college and sharing in the joy of the matrimonial celebration, a sudden urge led me to excuse myself and seek refuge in the ladies' room. Departing the table, I navigated through the venue in pursuit of the restroom facilities.

THE UNKNOWN STALKER [KTH FF] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें