I don't know why but I felt like something was twisted inside me as he moved away from me. Without saying anything I turned and walked away still massaging my template. I didn't want to see that look on his face again. To distract me I tried to remember what happened last night. The more I tried to remember how I ended up in his arms the more my head throbbed. I let that thought fall for some time as I walked towards my room. I Sat on my bed as I was experiencing the worst headache of my entire life. 

"I hear you were having the best sleep of your left" I heard a teasing voice coming from the figure who had just come out of the bathroom. I lifted my eyes to find Wiliam standing in his towel wrapped on his waist and a teasing smirk on his face. 

"William, not now, my head is aching as if someone is hammering the nails in my head" I muttered as I lay back on the bed. 

"That's the side effect of drinking plum wine" he chuckles as he keeps wiping his hair. Yes, I drank plum wine last night. I remembered having a barbeque with my friends and then chef Oliver brought wine and we had it and after that everything was foggy in my head. My memory was showing me yesterday's happenings in bits. I massaged my head with both hands as I tried to remember more. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself, get some sleep, we still have time until we leave?" he said as he saw the distress on my face. I took his advice and decided to sleep not before asking him to wake me up after some time. I slept for some time and after I woke up, everything was still blank in my head but I felt calm inside. Suddenly my mood was good because I slept well. I once again tried to remember what happened last night but it was still a blank line for me in my head.  

"Forget it Sage" I muttered under my breath as I gave up because nothing was coming up from my fogged memory as I stretched my body. 

"What" I heard Logan asking me as he was filling his bag. 

"Nothing," I said in my calm voice as after sleeping for so long I was feeling nice and chirping. Even though I didn't remember anything, my mind was at ease. I didn't know why. I got out of bed and went to take shower. I stripped and as soon as I removed my chest band I took a deep, heavy breath. I felt like I was in heaven as my breast freely felt out of band. They were clasped in the band for the whole night and day. I took a long shower as I was in a nice mood. 

"Sage, come out soon, we have to leave in an hour or two" I heard Wiliam banging on my door. 

"Yes I will be out soon" I yelled back as I switched off the shower. I wiped my body and got dressed in my new set of clothes. After packing my things I walked out of the room and claimed down the stairs only to collide into the hard chest. Rubbing my temple I looked up to find James grinning at me. 

"James," I exclaimed as I continued rubbing my forehead. 

"So did you sleep well in the head chef's arms?" he teased me, making my cheeks turn red as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. 

"James, stop it. We all were drunk and I remember you sleeping with the chef Oliver'' I said as I picked up some fogged memory of last night. 

"Yeh, but I was sleeping beside him, not in his arms," he teased again, making me look at him with narrowed eyes. I was about to retort back at him when he put his arms around my neck. 

"Ok sorry let's go and have our brunch," he said, making me glare at him but I let it slide as I knew he didn't mean those words. We were eating our breakfast when he descended from the stairs wearing jeans and a half sleeve shirt with a jacket. As I saw him I stopped eating my sandwich and it hovered over my half-open lips. He looked so handsome and my heart started to beat fast the way he was looking at me. Looking at my statue face Logan turned back to see who was behind him. Seeing it was the head chef he looked back at me and wiggled his eyebrow making my face burn red. 

The fact he knew I was a woman made the situation worse. He knew I was checking him out. I have never done this before anyone why is he having so much effect on me. I went back to eating my sandwich as the grey eyes were fixed on me. They were looking at me with something different and it made my heart race every time. After our brunch, we decided to leave and all the time he was looking at me as if something was burning inside him. I don't know what had got inside him. I think plum wine is still affecting his brain. We all took our seats and I sat in my previous seat. I kept looking out of the window sometimes. The ache was still in my head so I decided to close my eyes and sleep. 

I was being pressed down as he hovered on me as his lips smashed on my lips dominatingly. My eyes were wide open and I kept being still as I was being kissed for the first time in my life and I didn't know how to move my lips. I moved my hands which were firmly pinned on either side of my head. He made his hold strong on my wrist as he felt me wanting to get away from him. 

"Kiss me back" he growled on my lips making my body shiver and my heart run out of my chest. 

"How" a mere drunk breathless whisper left my mouth between his dominating moves. I can't believe I said that. I could sense him smirking on my lips. 

"Copy my lips" he whispered back in a demanding way on my lips, going back to slowing his movements as I copied them. I could sense he was restraining himself. 

"Open your mouth this is not enough," he said in a dark voice heavily as something had possessed him and I did what he said. As soon as I opened my mouth our tongue collided as if a meteoroid had hit the earth. 

I jolted out of my sleep with wide-open eyes and yelled on top of my lungs to find all eyes on me.

"Oh my God" 

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