Yelena Belova - confusion

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A/n : this is my first ever book so pls don't judge lol, it will most likely be bad but hopefully will get better over time. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments it will be needed ahaha, but that's it so try to enjoy :)


As you sat in your local café drinking your morning coffee you felt eyes watching you, after a quick glance around you quickly notice nick fury approaching you. "Nick, it's a pleasure. What do you need?" you ask as he stops in-front of you, he raises an eyebrow at this as you've never been introduced before. "You know me?" He replies confusion evident in his voice. "I know of you Mr Fury, yes" you say with a small smirk emphasizing the 'of' in your sentence. His shoulders tense slightly which to the normal eye you'd miss but to you - a trained black widow - it's clear he feels a little intimidated by you. As you take a sip of your coffee the smirk still evident on your face you say "please take a seat" whilst gesturing towards the chair across from you.
    He does as you say and sits facing you before he orders himself a coffee whilst pulling out a file. "I haven't got all day Fury, what it is you need" you tell him with a slight tone of boredom laced in your voice. "Im sure you're aware of a group called 'The Avengers' you being-" you cut him off before he can finish his sentence, "me and you both know I'm well aware of who they are Nick" you say leaning forward towards him. "What is it you need from ME that could possibly be related to them" you ask slightly annoyed. "Ive heard nothing but great things about you. Therefore I want to put you on a trail run, I think you'd be a great asset to the team" he replies.


2 days after you're run in with Nick Fury you're waiting rather impatiently for the elevator to reach the top floor where the rest of the avengers are waiting for the arrival of a possible new team member. As the elevator comes to a stop the doors slowly slide apart allowing you to venture further into the building to see the awaiting avengers looking towards the hallway from where you have just appeared from.

You take a quick look around your eyes falling upon a blonde in the far corner of the room. As you make eye contact with a small smile upon your lips your eyes are shortly diverted towards Tony Stark who has the biggest smirk plastered upon his face. "Y/n Belova" you greet with your hand stretched towards Tony. With a glance towards Natasha and Yelena he quickly asks "Belova? You must have failed to mention there were three sisters ladies" he directs toward the sisters in the corner whilst shaking your hand. "There isn't" Natasha swiftly replies as yelena makes her way towards you.
      Everyone's attention is suddenly on yourself and yelena as she walks towards you and places her lips upon yours before turning to stand behind you with her arms around your waist. "Gentlemen, meet my wife" yelena says to all the confused looking avengers. A small chuckle falling from your lips as you look at the surrounding people. "Your wife?" Natasha questions. Everybody's head turning towards the smirking woman. "You- you didn't tell your sister you were married?" Bruce asks yelena. "Don't confuse them anymore now Natasha we all know you've loved me since the first time we met" you reply with a smile on your face. "What? This is so confusing?" You hear come from the tall, bulky blonde man to the left corner of the room. "For the first time I've got to agree with Rogers over there, I am so confused" Tony says with his eyebrows furrowed. "Is it not obvious gentlemen? Yelena and y/n are married and Natasha is trying to throw you off" Wanda says looking toward you before she starts walking to you. "Hello Maximoff" you greet her with a hug. "You too have met?" Sam asks. "Of course they have Sam, where do you think myself, my sister and Wanda are when we disappear for hours on end with only the two of them returning" yelena asks with a smug smile on her face. "No hug this time" you ask Natasha before she comes towards you and pulls you into a hug.


"The looks on their faces when you told them we were married were amazing" you say giggling slightly. "Indeed they were love, I can't believe they thought you were my sister" yelena replies whilst pulling you closer to her under the covers of your bed. "Well as far as they were concerned you weren't even in a relationship" you say closing your eyes. "Well I never gave them reason to believe I wasn't, other than the constant flirting with the waitresses when we go out to eat of course" yelena said, you could practically hear the smirk in her voice which only grew when you gently pulled your elbow backwards toward her stomach with a small laugh falling from your mouth. "You best be lying" you say smiling. "I am дорогой (darling) don't worry" yelena says also closing her eyes. "Goodnight my love" she says. "Goodnight любовь (love)" you respond before falling into a deep slumber.

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