I sighed. That's what happens when your girlfriend is an Olympian. Your needs come second. Usually Athena tried to balance it out a bit, but today she seemed too busy to put in the effort.

Well, better get over there then. I flashed myself to the front of Athena's mansion. I had my hand on the doorknob, but I hesitated. Three owls... This was going to be a long day...

I opened the door and walked though the hallway to go find the feathered creatures. When Athena's around they're usually free to roam the place, but when she's not they have a seperate room, just for them.

When I tell you those owls are her babies I'm not even joking.

"Athena?" I called out, hoping I'd still catch her before she left.

No response.

Soon enough I reached the room where the owls stayed. Their names were written on the door in a curly and italic writing.




I opened the door and closed it behind me again, not wanting to let them out of the room.

Dexton, a barn owl, was immediately following me with his gaze.

Astro, the hawk owl, was sound asleep on his post.

And Tico, a northern saw-whet owl sat by the window, gazing outside. The little guy was probably wondering why his mistress left without him.

"Me too Tico." I muttered.

I walked up to him. Out of all them he was probably my own favorite. Even though he was still quite young he was calmer than the other two. Although when Dexton and Astro started something little Tico had no problem joining in.

I petted him a bit and he nibbled my finger gently. Such a cutie.

Suddenly I heard a hoot behind me. I glanced at Dexton and Astro. Dexton is ignoring me on purpose and Astro is still asleep.

"Dexton are you kidding me?" I asked.

The barn owl just gave me a blank stare. As if to say 'What do you want from me woman?'.

Another hoot. But it wasn't Dexton. I look in the direction of the door and right there above it on a small platform, sits another hawk owl I've never seen before.

For a second I feel the eye contact with the animal. It sends shivers down my spine.

"Where did you come from buddy?" I asked the winged animal.

It just hooted in response. A moment later it soared down on its majestic wings, casually landing on my shoulder.

"Hello to you too." I said, slightly leaning my head away from it.

The owl tried to nibble my ear.

"Can you not please?" I asked, trying to push it away.

I ignored my question anf kept trying.

"I told you no." I stated firmly.

The owl stopped trying. It stared at me with it's big eyes. Eyes that were... Grey...

Wait a minute...

Owl I've never seen before. No name on the door. Athena being vague. An owl with grey eyes.

"Funny aren't you?" I asked the owl on my shoulder.

A golden gleam passed over it's eyes. The owl flew off of my shoulder to the middle of the room, only to transform into my girlfriend.

"So that's why Dexton has not attacked me once. Solely because you are here." I said, unamused.

"Mhm, I doubt that's true." Athena said, walking up to me with a slug smile.

"Why did you do this? Why did you trick me into this?" I questioned.

"I needed a way to get you here." She responded, taking a hold of my hands.

"You could've asked." I pointed out.

"Now where is the fun in that?" Athena grinned.

"I hate you." I muttered.

"That so?" She asked.

"Cause I could swear you were having a moment with Tico over here."

At the sound of his name Tico flew into his mistress' shoulder, stealing her attention all for himself. He nibbled on her finger as she petted him with her other hand.

"I thought so too." I grumbled at the little, winged attention seeker.

I saw Athena roll her eyes. She shifter her focus from Tico back to me. She pulled me up from the windowsill.

"Surely it wasn't all that bad. But, I promise I will make it up to you." My girlfriend whispered, pulling me closer.

"You better. But not here. Anywhere but here." I told her.

Athena x NikeWhere stories live. Discover now