Ch 104 Frostborn's Never Die

Start from the beginning

we walked over to the two mages from Al's unit that Tessia and Aya had saved last week, one was a Small elven child with messy shoulder-length silver hair and emerald green eyes, The other was a Human with Blond hair and blue eyes.

"Even for a human, you're a different level of horny Noah." The Elf deadpanned him. I could make out their conversation thanks to my assimilated body as we approached them.

"Look All I'm saying is that My girlfriend is the cutest woman alive and I will dam well preach it if I fucking have to." he waved his hands in the air reminding me of certain mobsters from stories in my past life.

"As a fellow human I have to agree with the Child, You do see a bit "worked up" " I spoke up as we interrupted their conversation.

"SIR! MA'AM!" they both saluted stiffening up in their beds.

"At ease, both of you. I'm just here to ask what happened out there, Nothing more." After a second they both relaxed into their beds as we sat on the chairs next to them.

"May I ask for your names?" Tessia asked patting Sylvie's head who was sitting in her lap.

"I'm Noah Guile, Acting Head of the 2nd squad in the Frostborn Company Under Head Paladin Alexander Shard," he stated with a downtrodden expression.

"Maeve Branwen, member of the 2nd squad of the Frostborn Company." She stated curtly.

"Oh, so your Al's Grim Reaper?" I chuckled remembering the psychological damage reports some of my mages had after the joint training and Al talking about some of the more prominent members of his Company of mages.

"His what?" Tessia, Noah, and Mave all asked at once, more confused like they didn't know he called her that. Thankfully this world had much of the mythology of our old world as common sense so they knew what the nickname meant.

"Yes he called you his Grim reaper, I think the main reason for him saying that was the Scythe though."

"Even without it, she would still get called that." Noah shuddered as Maeve snickered likely plotting something on par with what got Al his status as Dicathen's boogeyman.

"Anyway about what happened to us." Noah recomposed himself as his expression hardened. "We were betrayed by an Elf that joined our squad acting as our earth mage during the Elshire sweep."

"To think one of our own would betray us." Tessa's face was appalled while Maeve's was just a muted anger that simmered on her face.

"yes it was unexpected, his name was Toland Aire. He was always looking into this weird tattered book he had strapped to his waist, And when he betrayed us he captured our squad head Sulivan Snowcrest and was paid with a green book by that horned witch that nearly killed us."

"Yes I ran into her as well, I wasn't able to kill her due to another Retainer that was with her." I voiced as I listened to his report, he went over Toland's looks, behaviours, known skills and the like.

"Sulivan Is likely dead as well, Knowing what those filthy Alacryan's have done to the other captives." I spat trying to get them to be prepared for the worst.

"Sully? Nah no way in hell he's dead, Alexander taught us everything he thought we could make use of. And besides, We don't die that easily." Noah smirked.

"Sully maybe a four-eyed slightly stuck up noble, But he got his position as our Head for a reason, and the only people we'd even struggle to fight are those lab rat bastard Vritra!" Maeve puffed.


Sulivan Snowcrest Pov:

"You punch like the Inbred inked bastard you are." I spat out at my torturer through my clenched teeth.

"Keep it up till you break you godless scum." he spat as he punched towards me. I narrowly dodged his fist moving as much as the magic restaining shackles on my arms allowed me to move, I could hear his knuckles break on the brick wall behind me as I bit into his forearm tearing out chunks of his flesh.

I could hear him screaming as the blood poured from his torn arteries sloshing onto the floor as he ran to get a doctor.

I chewed the chunk of his forearm I bit off before swallowing the first bit of food if I could consider cannibalism food for the past week down my throat. It was pungent and filled my mouth with a fatty, foul aftertaste with the metallic bite of Iron.

"You taste worse than your personality."

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