Trickery of the Mansion

Start from the beginning

"Ah, well," he shrugged it off, "It's not you can get anywhere without knowing how to use that weight."

The quintet was puzzled as to what they could use the weight for. They returned to the first floor to figure out their next move.

"What DO we use this weight for?" Luigi wondered aloud.

"I'm honestly confused as you are, Luigi," said Goombario.

"Don't know about you guys," said Bombette, "But I could use a break."

The others agreed and went to the sofa to relax a bit. But as Luigi sat down on the sofa, he sprang up so high, that he could touch the chandelier. Thankfully, the weight he was carrying was enough to lower him down to safety. Placing the weight on the hook, it even moved the bookcase covering the door behind it to move.

Going through the new door, Luigi spotted a treasure chest. But when he opened it, the chandelier quickly dropped towards him. Clenching for his life, he was surprised that it stopped very close to him. He breathed a sigh of relief and went down into the basement. As Luigi and Co. explored the basement, Kooper saw a big treasure chest and opened it. More Boos came out with two pairs of boots.

"Welcome, Luigi," greeted the Boo, "If you want these pairs of boots, you must guess which two of us holds them."

"The Lady Bow will be very angry if we let him and his friends get these too easily, fellow Boos! Do your best, as we practiced!" he ordered.

This time was more tricky as the Boos were throwing both pairs of boots at one another. Goombario assisted Luigi as they had to whack and head bonk the Boos carrying the boots. With that, Luigi now has gotten the Super Boots. Wanting to test them, he replaced the ones he was wearing and put on the new ones.

"What do you think, guys?" Luigi asked.

"They look nice," said Kooper.

"Green seems to be your style," Parakarry added.

Luigi figured the other pair was for Mario, so he hung on to them for the time being.

"Oh drats..." said the Boo, "You guessed right. Lady Bow is going to lose it. So I might as well tell you how the Super Boots work."

"This feels, weird that I'm learning something from one of my fears. How do these work?" Luigi asked.

"When you're in the air, press the A button and you'll ground pound," the Boo explained, "You can also use it to break open wooden floorboards, like that one in front of you."

The Boo pointed to the wooden floorboard on the ground. Luigi gave it a try, and ground-pounded the floorboard, breaking it in the process. Then he and the others jumped down the hole.

Down the hole, they found more of the basement. Luigi saw a blue switch and jumped on it, dropping another one. The second one brought down a huge blue switch, claiming up some old furniture, Luigi and Co. ground-pounded the switch and it created stairs that lead back up.

The quintet then went into the east-side door on the first floor. There they found another wooden floorboard, so Luigi gave it a ground pound and jumped down. They found another part of the basement, but they were on top of a bookshelf. Parakarry saw what looked like a Boo's Portrait. He flew over and grabbed it and they went back up to the first floor.

Luigi then remembered on the second floor, one of the picture frames didn't have a picture in it, so they went up to the second floor and placed the Boo's Portrait back in the empty frame.

"Phew... Ah, that feels better!" the picture spoke, "It's nice to be back in my frame after so long! But I didn't even tell you to go find the drawing! You solved the riddle on your own!"

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