
Start from the beginning

Eventually, Friday gave the alert that it was Peter's time to go, so he grabbed his pack and put his plate in the sink.

"Thank you, Tony" Peter gave the billionaire a hug before making his way to the elevator, waving a small goodbye.

Tony gave himself a small little victory dance as he cleaned up the mess, texting Stephen of his achievements that morning, and an update on Peter's health.

When Peter arrived at the school, he'd already had a long enough car drive to set his thoughts back on the Bad Dream road.

If he just bulldozed through the day, he'd be fine. Get in, get out, and deal with the concerned texts when he got home.

He'd just say he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. No big deal. Not entirely wrong, either.

It worsened when he found out his phone hadn't charged all night. It was at like 23%.

"Heyy, Parker", Harley greeted with his usual attitude, plopping down in the seat next to him.

Peter didn't stir, his head down on the desk.

Harley took note of the ear plugs again, confusion spreading across his face.

Harley poked Peter into attention, giving him a little wave when Peter woke up.

Peter didn't even bother to nod a hello this time before putting his head back down.

He seemed.. annoyed.

Harley didn't try again after that. It was worse when Peter didn't either.

When the end of the silent period rolled around, Peter was the first one out. He didn't bother waiting for Flash like he had been the past few days, and felt a little sad when Harley didn't yell his usual goodbye.

He didn't stop though. Instead, he was in a worse mood than before.

When Ned saw him, he could immediately tell something was wrong.

"Dude, is the Stark mattress too dank for you??" He asked, only really noticing how tired Peter was.

That was really mostly what it was, at least in Peter's head, but he really didn't want to get snappy on accident, so he just shook his head. Verbal communication wasn't a setting he was on right now.

Ned got the message, and they went through the class period with just Ned's endless stories and gossip to make up in the lack of Peter's speaking wishes.

Peter was really thankful for Ned. It helped a ton knowing that Ned wouldn't judge him for days like this. He had a sinking feeling there would be more coming.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, the one set for his texts. He ignored it.

"My mom found out that she's been doing the recipe for pizza dough all wrong, man!" Ned exclaimed, cleaning up his stuff after the bell had rung, "you don't put the oil in with the pizza dough while you're mixing it, you use it after everything is all together! Like, a coating almost. Tonight's pizza was the best I swear. There weren't even any leftovers!"

The two of them were in the hallway now, standing idly while Ned finished his story.

"We made four whole 18' pizzas too. She found out from our neighbor, Calvin, the night before when she went over to have dinner with them. He was talking about it from when he used to work at this pizza place in Chicago. Dude, you've gotta try it" Ned continued, hoping that Peter, too, would get to experience greatness, "we should probably leave for class soon though, mine is further than yours".

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