I wanted to move but my body froze-not from the cold, but from a tangible fear. A deep sense of dread crept up like a rising tide, slowly but surely, as I surveyed the area.

Even with augmented vision and hearing, I couldn't find her. Yet, I knew she was there, her high, grating voice still scratching the insides of my ears.

"Are you, perhaps, looking for little ol' me?" her shrill voice screeched inside my head like a coarse blade being dragged against ice. I gnashed my teeth, trying to keep calm. My mind knew she was intentionally intimidating me but my body couldn't help but fall victim to her tactic.

Her voice seemed to come from all around me and at the same time, inside me. My limbs grew stiff as my heartbeat was hard enough to break out of my ribcage.

"Nothing personal head Sulivan." I head Toland Speak, I Turned my head to see Toland swing the back of his axe Knocking out Sulivan. he picked up the unconscious leader as a wall of vines Blocked the blast of Sound and wind blades I fired at the traitor.

"BASTARD!!" I shouted at him as I bit down on my lower lip. As the pain and the metallic taste of blood washed over my tongue, freeing me from the holds of the voices killing intent. a massive presence appeared to the left of me as I snapped my head to see Noah held in the air by a boney discoloured sickly hand grasping him by the throat.

"My, what a handsome young boy you are. I'm going to have so much fun breaking you~" her Shrill voice echoed.

Noah screamed Violently sickly hands clawed at his body making his flesh bubble and seared as he shreaked in agony. the smell of a rotting corpse flooded from his melted skin.

I dashed towards her trying to slash her arm, my Scythe was blocked by a sickly hand that grabbed my arm, a searing pain flowed through me before I was thrown into a wall.

My lungs felt like they were crushed as I blasted more air into my empty lungs, I spat blood as I gasped for breath.

"My payment? witch." Toland Spat as he threw Sulivan over his shoulder.

"Take it, Lesser. we'll reach out again if needed and the payment will be worth it." She responded throwing a sickly green book at him. Toland caught it and disappeared into the forest.

A bloodcurdling scream tore out of Noah as he pulled a bracelet off Igniting himself in Blue flames.

She immediately let go of his neck and pulled her arm away from the fire. Upon release, he fell from the tree, crashing through a hollow log on the ground.

"The little puppy has a bit of a bite," she reprimanded from atop the tree.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed back.


Alexander Shard Pov:

I was in an infirmary full of Dicathens that would rather be dead than live with their current injuries, Some had missing libs, others were rescued from Alacryan Torture chambers, others had become mentally broken and were nothing but husks from the trauma of Wars.

"Brat What did you mean by raising the dead?" Virion asked behind me as Elijah was looking at them trying to find the right vessel for his Cecilia.

"Elijah do I have permission to tell Virion?"

"yea, he needs to find out sooner or later, Even if you don't tell him about Grey he'd piece it together so just let him tell him by himself." he swatted at the air more or less telling me to let him look in peace.

"I know." I shot back As I erected a sound barrier around me and Gramps, My mana core ached slightly so I used the Strengthened Blessing Boreas Enhanced before cutting contact to lessen the burden on my core.

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