#75 * Bribe The Pet

Start from the beginning

The daughter of Styx sighed. She didn't mind owls, but she wasn't all that fond of them either. They always seemed to stare at her, as if they were saying 'Why do you have wings? You're not a bird'.

She ignored the shiver that went down her back at the thought. For Athena, always for Athena.

The angel placed the book back onto the desk and left the library. She decided to go outside, to the patio where she knew the wisdom goddess kept her owls.

Soon enough she reached the patio where she found her girlfriend sitting on a marble bench with her barn owl resting on her forearm. 

Owls might not be Nike's favorite animals, but she couldn't deny that Athena and Dexton looked simply adorable.

The barn owl was nibbling on the wisdom goddess' finger affectionally while simultaniously enjoying the warmth of the sun. Athena's reserved chuckle rung through the patio, making the angel's heart skip beats.

Nike cleared her throat to make herself known without starteling her girlfriend and disrupting the scene in front of her. Immediatly the wisdom goddess looked up and her grey eyes met the angel's hazel colored ones.

Athena smiled seeing her girlfriend standing there in the shadows of the building. Was she trying to sneak up on her? Skratch that, what was she even doing here? Usually she'd be working now.

The daughter of Zeus raised a brow. 

"What are you doing here, lurking in the shadows? Should I be worried?" She asked.

Her eyes didn't stay on the angel for long though as Dexton nibbled her ear, missing his mistress' hands in his feathers.

"Oh you should be very worried." Nike grinned.

Athena shook her head, detecting the sarcasm in her girlfriend's voice. The smile that had laced her lips became wider.

Yet her attention remained with Dexton. He seemed to be enjoying Athena's hands stroking his feathers. The barn owl stared at the daughter of Styx. 

'She's mine you strange, winged creature.' He seemed to smirk.

A shiver went down Nike's spine as the owl stared staight into her eyes with its own big, black orbs. This is why she wasn't all that fond of owls.

The victory goddess pushed the feeling down and moved out of the shadows towards the sunlit bench her girlfriend was sitting on. She sat down next to her even, yet once more her attention was pre-occupied with the owl on her forearm.

To the daughter of Styx there was only one solution. Get the Dexton's attention away from Athena so the latter could focus on her. A plan slowly formed in the angel's mind.

A moment later she let a mouse appear in the shadows. The little creature seemed confused and gently moved into the middle of the patio.

Immediatly Dexton's head snapped towards the white mouse in the middle of the small courtyard. He seemed to weigh his options and estimate his chances of catching the creature in his claws.

A moment later the barn owl jumped from Athena's arm, spread his majestic wings and let himself glide down to where the mouse was. In a matter of seconds the little animal was stuck in Dexton's claws. Soon enough he mercilessly started devouring the mouse.

Nike stared in both shock and awe. Of course she'd expected it to work, but not this good. Next to her Athena seemed equally surprised.

The wisdom goddess turned her head towards her girlfriend.

"You don't, by chance, have anything to do with this do you?" The daughter of Zeus questioned, gesturing at the scene in front of them.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Nike grinned.

"Mhmhm." Athena hummed.

She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"You didn't think I came here early to surprise my girlfriend and then watch her cuddle up with her owl rather than me, did you?" The victory goddess joked.

"Surprise her huh?" The daughter of Zeus smirked.

"Yep, finished early today, just for you." 

"Just for me?"

"Stop repeating me."

Athena chuckled. The need to repeat the sentence became stronger. Nike could see that need in her girlfriend's eyes and she shook her head.

"No, don't you dare." The victory goddess protested weakly.

"Or what?" The wisdom goddess asked, sliding closer to her girlfriend and trapping her in her arms.

Nike didn't have an answer she merely blushed at the gesture. The words seemed to flee her mind, leaving her with silence.

"Come now. Don't tell me you just distracted Dexton, only to do nothing with it." Athena grinned.

"I only wanted your attention. I succeeded." The angel managed to say.

Her blush only deepend as Athena's reserved laughter rung through the patio once more as she kissed the victory goddess' cheek.

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