Everyone augmented themselves like I asked As I broke down the door with a thundering Explosion of Earth mana and my body's perfectly honed Body courtesy of my training with Kordri and his assistant.

Suddenly I fell to my knees coughing blood, my lungs burning from the sheer amount of poison left in the air that negated my defences. A soothing warmth spread through me from Claire's Golden flams as she entered her first stage to bolster her defences.

Claire being a wind mage faired better than me by filtering the air, Tess being able to use Poison to an extent had a natural resistance through it was nothing compared to Al who's body had to physically evolve to resist the hydra's poison.

I looked up to See Something I should have stopped the others from seeing, A enormous cavern Melted by acid and filled with countless partially dissolved skeletons. The stalagmites growing from the floor had corpses with only the blackened and dissolving stubs of limbs remaining impaled on them like meat on a rotisserie.

In the center on a pile of bones among other skulls sat an ethereal being made of countless aurora's and nebulas, atop a jagged and regal throne made of the same such material made his presence that had been restrained seem genuinely godlike. His robes were pure white with teal accents and A purple sash across his waist and the wide cuffs of his long robe.

That's when I recognized him.

"Boreas?" I stammered out as the young man in his early 20's stood like a greater regalness, power, refinement, and overall sense of divinity that made Kezess look like a rowdy toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Alexander is alive and well," he spoke in a reassuring tone that didn't indicate any affinity towards us positive as he gestured towards Alexander floating on a small cloud of stasis as he pushed it towards us with a wave of his hand.

His body was covered in Cuts, Scars, and burn marks. His skin was ghastly pale and looked to have stretch marks all over his body, his hair was burned and singed.

"Al!!" Claire Shouted rushing up to him and holding him in her arms, the could of stasis dissipating and returning to Boreas who had sat back on his throne and was resting his cheek upon his closed fist as he gazed down upon us from the pile bones he seated was on.

"No, I'm Not Losing You." She wept as she immediately activated her second stage and used her strongest healing spell. A phoenix with feathers of soulfire and wreathed in golden Fire flew out of her back hovering over Alexander.

Its wings wrapped around the two of them as A tear of pure Mana with the separated Healing powers of soulfire and its flames appeared on from the Goldeneyes of the Blazing bird.

The teardrop brimming with mana fell from its eyes into Alexander's open mouth that's breathing was laboured and bleeding from his severely cracked lips.

A golden Sheen spread from his body as his wounds and scars both new and old healed over as if they were never there. His unconscious expression softened as his breathing stabilized, His ghostly pale skin Regained its normal complexion.

His eyelids tensed and wained before his eyes opened, His lips mouthed Claire's name but only a scream of Pure torturous agony of a thousand souls ripped out of his mouth. His lips tore open again as his body convulsed.

I Conjured restraints pinning him to the ground as he thrashed about clawing at his chest as a tortured howl Echoed from the cave. before I could get closer Boreas Appeared next to him placing a hand on his chest.

"Sleep." His voice was but a whisper but boomed with power.

Alexander's body went limp as his self-inflicted wounds glowed with the power of Stasis before sealing over. Everyone was In shock about what had just happened as we turned to boreas.

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